Beams with subs don't continue over barlines

• Dec 6, 2020 - 03:47

Tried a search but could not find this issue being discussed. If it has been reported than please disregard. If you have sixteenth notes or 32nd notes under a single beam across several measures before a system break the beam can be continuous across all measures. Within a measure you can start a section with a 16th or 32nd sub to group sections of notes. If you start a new sub at the first note of a measure, the beam breaks and does not continue across from the previous measure. Not sure if by design or a problem. So as lone as none of the subsections starts on the initial notes of a measure, the beamed notes broken into multiple subs will continue be connected by a single beam. Version 3.5.2.


Interesting. I'd be curious to know if this is a recent development or a long time result. Perhaps @cadiz1 can do a search to see if it's always been in version 3. I've never seen this discussed before, perhaps because it's a rare notation or it's a recent bug.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

This seems to be a different issue. This issue is that you can put a Beam middle between measures but you cannot put a Beam 16th sub or Beam 32nd sub across the same bar line. I didn't even try it across a system break because of the bug you mentioned. If it's mentioned in that bug report it's sometime after mid 2017 (the 5th year) and isn't the same problem.

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