Adding Intervals don't honor measure accidental alterations

• Feb 4, 2021 - 18:30

Not sure if this is by design, but every now and again when I'm inputting music into MuseScore, I switch from literal notes to intervals during chord entry. For instance, if I see "C E G C E G" on the treble clef I might just do a quick root entry (C) then Shift+Intervals for E G C E G (3 3 4 3 3). Every now and again though, this leads to errors in the entry because of some measure alteration. That is, if the previous chord had a C# in it, when I put the interval in for C while stacking the chord (the original score has no accidental showing for instance), the result is a C-natural with neutral accidental when in the key of C.

Maybe this is by design, but I provide this message to voice discontent >:D and would prefer interval addings onto chords to honor previous alterations of the current measure just like with chord building with literal pitch letters. Haven't really seen anyone on the forums mention this so I figured it might be high time.

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