appending measures

• Mar 25, 2021 - 20:00

I was copying a score and needed more measures so I selected the last measure and went to append "n" measures and the new measures were added after a space and a new bracket and clef symbols. Never saw this before. Image shows what happened when I added two measures to the four empty measure in the score that happened to be for a new section but same behavior was observed for measures being continued within a section. Any idea what changed? I made no modifications to any default format settings.

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append.jpg 30.26 KB


In reply to by Shoichi

I did not notice that it was there. When I entered the new section I needed both a vertical frame for a Title and a horizontal frame in front of the clef markings for the section number. I was having problems with the vertical frame not entering properly after the horizontal was created and maybe I left something around or the horizontal frame was added when the cursor was not where I thought it was. Thanks for your "eagle eye."

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