Honoring new-page for first page is bad!

• Sep 3, 2014 - 09:32

Imo honoring the new-page in musicXML for the first system might be a mistake introduced in MuseScore 2.0 Beta1. It causes a blank page between header and music. MuseScore 1.3 did NOT honor it, which is better.

Files usually don't use new-page for the first page in most notation programs I noticed. However Sibelius always does use new-page for the first system when exporting files. If importing musicXML files into Sibelius without the new-page for the first system always a mess is beïng created between the header position and the music in Sibelius. Finale also does not honor the new-page for the first system like MusicScore 1.3. Additionally Finale seems to add an extra distance between the first and second system if no new-page is present and if it is present they don't add this. In other words Finale shows a better result between header and music if new-page is present.

In order to create a direct good result for as well Sibelius and Finale it is best to have the new-page always added for the first system. So I always add it to all musicXML files. This without creating a problem in MuseScore untill now. Now a new musicXML compatibility problem seems to become introduced with MuseScore 2.0.



I concur with your conclusion Rob. Could you make a small test file to reproduce the problem and file a bug report in our issue tracker. Attach the test xml file together with a pdf. This will bring the issue further upstream in the MuseScore development funnel. Thanks in advance.

BTW, do note that there the 2.0 Beta 1 now includes options to control how much formatting is preserved on import and export (Edit / Preferences, Import and Export tabs). So you could solve this by turning off the import of page and system breaks - but then you'd lose them all, not just the initial one. As often as not, that's what I'd want anyhow. But it sounds like it does make sense to ignore page break on initial systems no matter what from what you are saying.

In reply to by Thomas

Yes I'm talking about the title frame ( page). Most of the pages I use excist of a single page with a title and music. I had to convince PDFtoMusic to add the page break for the first page in order to get a correct Sibelius result. So they did in their last Beta5 version. So all my files will contain this page break.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I like the idea of switching off the page breaks altogether during import, but not the way staffs are built up. Many people like 4 or 8 measures in a staff if playïng rythmic music. So if that can be separeted it should be a great improvement. Page breaks are never at the correct position since the number of staffs on a page is depended on too many variable parameters in the process that it ever will match with the original. In other words they create a mess if they are honored.

I have no experience with Sibelius or Finale but, honestly, I do not understand the problem.

If the MXML file contains a page break, I do not see why it should not be honoured.

If the page break has been originally inserted to go around a limitation of some other program (as I seem to understand from the other posts), this is the other program's problem, not MuseScore's.

Can anybody elaborate on the reason why the MXML should be 'interpretated', rather than imported as it is? Specifically, having a title page separate from the music is one among many reasonable layouts, so why filter it out?



In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

It is not completely correct, since Finale and Sibelius do have different ways of handling the distances between title and music if a new-page has been added or not. But the new-page does not add a blank page below the title. Using MuseScore 1.3 nothing happens at all, so ignores it.
MuseScore 2.0 adds blank page.

I'm only tryïng to prevent a new compatibility problem introducing itself without having discussed it thoroughly.

In reply to by Miwarre

I can't blame you. MMXL either does not specify enough or didn't meet the notation program makers need enough about how to handle the title page with the music etc. or the programs makers have there own ideas of how to interpret MMXL and import and export the files in different way's.
And worse they change their philosophy with a new release.

I'm just a simple user who tries to open MMXL files in an app "Avid Scorch" on a iPad and try to find out what is the common denominator to see a proper piece of music with title. Conclusion it's a mess. Nobody seems to follow a standardised protocol.

Of course this is not the only item, there are many more.

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