Instrument Names

• Aug 11, 2021 - 22:48

When you go to Staff/Part Properties, you can change the instrument name, long name, and short name. The instrument name used to change the instrument name in the "instruments" pop-up for the instrument you selected. It doesn't seem to do that anymore. Was there a change to this feature?


In reply to by Shoichi

I think I need to be more specific. After I have added a new instrument, I go to the "Staff/Part Properties" and I change the "Part Name" to something different. It accepts the change. Then I go to Instruments pop-up (by pressing "I"). On the left is the list of all instruments available. On the right are the instruments that I have selected. On the right, each instrument is listed by the instrument name in the left side list. It does not use the "Part Name" that I entered in the "Staff/Part Properties". MuseScore used to use the "Part Name" in the Instrument pop-up for the instruments selected. It no longer does. Is there a setting that will allow the "Part Name" from the "Staff/Part Properties" to be displayed in the Instrument pop-up? It is important when you have more than 1 guitar (for example) in a score. Without this function, it's difficult to tell which guitar you have chosen to display in the score.

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