Staff Spacer Fixed Down and Measure stretch shortcut aren't working

• Sep 29, 2021 - 22:17

I'm trying to adjust the layout of a score I've completed, but I'm unable to properly edit it. Some pages have what I want (4 systems of music) while others have 3 which leaves the page with a lot of open space. Normally, I'd add a fixed spacer but for some reason it doesn't help anymore. Instead, it causes each staff to readjust its size without actually compressing the score. Also, I'm trying to compress the final page (with three measures) into the one before it with the reduce stretch feature ({). This shortcut has absolutely no effect anywhere on the score, despite not having any breaks or spacers. I've attached the score.

Attachment Size
Piano Trio in E (Full Score).mscz 61.41 KB


It's not clear where you are adding a spacer or why, could you explain in more detail? Spacers really should be needed here - simply choosing appropriate values for the min & max staff & system spacing should prodocue goog results automatically (and the defaults should work for most scores). For instance, to me your page 3 looks good as is - the extra space is nicely distributed through the entire page, not bunch up only between system or worse, at the bottom of the page only. it's possible to tweak the distribution if you like via the settings in Format / Style / Page, but it's important to get clear on what the desired result should be.

As for stretch, the command works fine, it's just that you've hit a wall here - there is no way to get more measures onto any systems here without notes starting to physical touch or even overlap. MuseScore won't allow overlap, but if you're OK with allowing them to physically touch (or come closer to it than the defauls allow), you can reduce the minimum note distance setting in Format / Style / Measure.

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