Change default settings

• Jan 8, 2022 - 14:50

Is it possible to change the default settings in Musescore (page set up, fonts used etc.)?
As I've been doing it is to open a document that is set up with the fonts I like to use and go to ,Save as' to start a new project. I would like to be able to create ,New' document with my specific settings.


You can. Simply save your score to your Templates folder (under Documents/MuseScore3, right next to your Scores) folder. Then it will be available to select from alongside all the built-in templates every time you create a new score.

If you want to use style settings only but not the rest of the page set up in terms of instruments, then in addition, you can use Style / Save Style to create a "style file" that you can either load into other scores, or even set as the program default for new scores not created from templates, via Edit / Preferences / Score.

But normally, it's better to think in terms of templates. After all, these reasons for using particular settings generally have to do with specific projects, and when working on totally different types of project,s those same settings might not make sense. Settings you come up with when writing children's piano pieces don't make sense when writing string quartets, etc.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I just tried this:
> or even set as the program default for new scores not created from templates, via Edit / Preferences / Score.

It works fine for score created by "New". But it doesn't work for score imported from midi files (e.g.)

Any other options to access the default style of MU ?

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