Display of double flat

• Feb 1, 2022 - 19:08

This bug repeats a bug I reported several years ago, and which was subsequently fixed, but has now reappeared in the current version.
When two notes, each with an added flat, and from two voices (i.e. one tail up and the other down with the same note body), are displayed, the resulting score shows two flats side-by-side. However, in music notation, two flats side-by-side indicates a "double flat" - completely different from each of two notes having a single flat.
Please restore the previous "fix" to ensure that a "double flat" does not appear when it is not intended, i.e. only show a single flat when the note from each voice requires a single flat.


In reply to by underquark

I can get one as well, by selecting any unison flat note and then explicitly ask for the flat to be added by pressing the toolbar button.
It also disappears as soon as you then hit up/down arrow combo.

To me, though some might experience it as unwanted behavior, it is not a bug. By default, the double flat symbol isn't used/written as far as my limited testing shows. Not when using note input, not when transposing.
In my experience this only happens if the user explicitly asks for the additional flat symbol to be added.

If there are other steps besides the intentional user request to add a flat, then those might indeed require fixing.

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