[Bug] Exported MIDI files are lacking the pitch bend range events.

• Feb 10, 2022 - 21:57

In MIDI standard, the default value for pitch bend range is set to 2 semitones.

For some reasons, all pitch bend values returned in the MIDI files exported by the Musescore website (and probably the app too) are scaled for a pitch bend range of 12 semitones instead of 2.

It possible to set a pitch bend range of 12 semitones but it requires to send a Registered Parameter Number (RPN) message, as specified here : http://midi.teragonaudio.com/tech/midispec/rpn.htm

The problem is, the RPN messages are missing in the exported MIDI files making songs having pitch bend events sound terrible on regular MIDI players.

Example : https://musescore.com/trevorscores/crab_rave (Synth part at bar #12 at 21")

Please add the proper RPN events for each of the 16 channels to set the pitch bend range to 12 at the beginning of the MIDI file (after the 0x79 "Reset All Controllers" events) :
Bx 65 00 // Controller/chan x, RPN coarse (101), Pitch Bend Range
Bx 64 00 // Controller/chan x, RPN fine (100), Pitch Bend Range
Bx 06 0C // Controller/chan x, Data Entry coarse, +/- 12 semitones
Bx 26 00 // Controller/chan x, Data Entry fine, +/- 0 cents


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