Store and Jump to measure number X

• Mar 9, 2022 - 16:07

Let's say if I was working on measure 25 and started playing the score, it would be nice to have a way to mark the measure and press a shortcut key to jump back to the marked measure. Example: select the measure, measure 25, use the M key to mark the measure 25. Press the M key again to bring the curse back to measure 25 regardless of where the current position of the cursor is. I often find I would work on a specific measure and start to play the score and wants to go back to work on the same measure and have to scroll back to that specific measure. This is how I envision how this jump to measure would work. The measure is selected based on the current cursor position, such as if a note is selected or the measure is selected. Press the M key, a dialog box pops up with a field for user entry with a default value of the current measure number. The user can press the OK or Enter key to continue or enter another measure number. The measure number is stored. User continues. Press the M key again anywhere & anytime to bring the cursor back to the stored measure number.


In reply to by jeetee

Downside of rehearsal marks is needing to clear them - a single bookmark that toggles off the previous one automatically could be useful here. but I suspect in practice, it's just "last playback position" that anyone really cares about, so I'd suggest no new bookmark feature for this but instead just the command to jump back to last playback position. And indeed, there's already a n outstanding request to have a new "play from last position", which is probably what people want to do anyhow when returning to that position. So to me, implementing that would be the first priority and would probably eliminate 99% of any need for the rest.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Apologies for delayed reply.

I haven't been able to find any way to repeatedly play from a nominated position apart from repeatedly selecting the first note of the required playback section. I've read that under loop playback, stopping and starting should resume playback from the beginning of the loop. That's not what happens on my Ubuntu system (details below). Whether loop is on or off, playback always continues from where it was stopped. Maybe I have a bug, perhaps confined to my system or the Ubuntu version of Musescore? The behaviour has endured thru reinstallations.
So, as I understand it, I have no way on my current system of repeating playback from a nominated position. That's why a "play from last position" feature is of value to me. Is there such a feature under implementation? Is there an alternative for me to achieve something similar with my current system?

OS: Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS, Arch.: x86_64, MuseScore version (64-bit): 4.2.0-233521125, revision: eb8d33c

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