1.3 score using Pedal line with a middle symbol displays empty in 3.x, crashes in master

• Mar 11, 2022 - 17:08
Reported version
S2 - Critical
  1. Open attached score (produced in 1.3).

Result: Displays empty.

Information: Displays in 2.3.2.

Using MuseScore 3.6.2 and 3.x nightly (2513676) - Mac 10.11.6.

Attachment Size
1x score displays empty in 3x.mscz 3.98 KB


Debug messages in a 3.x build:
Debug: tag in line 204 col 39: continueSymbolOffset (...\libmscore\xmlreader.cpp:208, void Ms::XmlReader::unknown())
Debug: empty score (...\libmscore\layout.cpp:5029, void Ms::Score::doLayoutRange(const Ms::Fraction&, const Ms::Fraction&))
Debug: empty score (...\libmscore\layout.cpp:5029, void Ms::Score::doLayoutRange(const Ms::Fraction&, const Ms::Fraction&))
Debug: tick2measureMM 0 (max -1) not found (...\libmscore\utils.cpp:93, Ms::Measure* Ms::Score::tick2measureMM(const Ms::Fraction&) const)
Debug: tick2measureMM 0 (max -1) not found (...\libmscore\utils.cpp:93, Ms::Measure* Ms::Score::tick2measureMM(const Ms::Fraction&) const)

mcsx at the place of that first message (the unknown tag):

    <beginSymbolOffset x="0" y="0"/>
    <continueSymbolOffset x="0" y="0"/>

A master build complains about that unknown tag too. Some code:

            else if (tag == "continueSymbolOffset") // obsolete

So that's not the real issue here, instead the messages that follow, reg. empty score and tick2measureMM (the score doesn't use any multimeasure rests though?).
Some code:

      if (!last() || (lineMode() && !firstMeasure())) {
            qDebug("empty score");


      // check last measure
      if (lm && (tick >= lm->tick()) && (tick <= lm->endTick()))
            return lm;
      qDebug("tick2measureMM %d (max %d) not found", tick.ticks(), lm ? lm->tick().ticks() : -1);
      return 0;

Debug output from a master build:

11:01:03.463 | INFO  | main_thread | WindowDropArea | dropEvent: 0x1bcaa5f0
11:01:03.463 | DEBUG | main_thread | ApplicationActionController | onDropEvent: "C:/Users/Jojo/Desktop/Rosalinda_Live-1.3.mscz" 
11:01:03.968 | DEBUG | main_thread | IpcChannel | syncRequestToAll: ret code: 1
11:01:03.968 | DEBUG | main_thread | NotationProject | load: try load: .../Rosalinda_Live-1.3.mscz
11:01:04.049 | DEBUG | main_thread | Qt         | unknown: tag in  line 204 col 39: continueSymbolOffset
11:01:04.049 | DEBUG | main_thread | EngravingElementsProvider | printStatistic: 

=== Load ===
Object              created             deleted             
BracketItem         3                   1                   
Part                2                   0                   
Pedal               1                   0                   
PedalSegment        8                   0                   
Staff               3                   0                   
Tempo               1                   1                   
Text                20                  4                   
Total               38                  6                   

11:01:04.049 | DEBUG | main_thread | Qt         | onFireOpen: try open uri: musescore://project/migration, page: {"modal":"","params":{"appVersion":"1.3","isApplyAutoSpacing":false,"isApplyEdwin":true,"isApplyLeland":true,"migrationType":1,"sync":true},"path":"MuseScore/Project/MigrationDialog.qml","sync":true,"type":2,"uri":"musescore://project/migration"}
11:01:04.061 | DEBUG | main_thread | UiActionsRegister | updateEnabledAll: currentCtx: UiCtxHomeOpened
11:01:04.070 | DEBUG | main_thread | UiActionsRegister | updateEnabledAll: currentCtx: UiCtxUnknown
11:01:29.360 | DEBUG | main_thread | UiActionsRegister | updateEnabledAll: currentCtx: UiCtxHomeOpened
11:01:29.363 | DEBUG | main_thread | Qt         | doLayoutRange: empty score
11:01:29.364 | DEBUG | main_thread | Score      | endCmd: Undo stack currentmacro child count: 3
11:01:29.364 | INFO  | main_thread | ProjectMigrator | migrateEngravingProjectIfNeed: success migration
11:01:29.364 | DEBUG | main_thread | Qt         | doLayoutRange: empty score
11:01:29.364 | DEBUG | main_thread | EngravingElementsProvider | printStatistic: 

=== Update and Layout ===
Object              created             deleted             
Page                1                   1                   
Total               1                   1                   

11:01:29.365 | DEBUG | main_thread | UiActionsRegister | updateEnabledAll: currentCtx: UiCtxHomeOpened
11:01:29.369 | DEBUG | main_thread | UiActionsRegister | updateEnabledAll: currentCtx: UiCtxHomeOpened
11:01:29.380 | DEBUG | main_thread | MscMetaReader | readMeta: Can't find thumbnail
11:01:29.483 | DEBUG | main_thread | Qt         | onFireOpen: try open uri: musescore://notation, page: {"modal":"","params":{"sync":true},"path":"","sync":true,"type":1,"uri":"musescore://notation"}
11:01:29.484 | DEBUG | main_thread | WorkspacesDataProvider | setRawData: set data to default workspace, key: ui_states
11:01:29.489 | DEBUG | main_thread | UiActionsRegister | updateEnabledAll: currentCtx: UiCtxHomeOpened
11:01:29.564 | DEBUG | main_thread | UiActionsRegister | updateEnabledAll: currentCtx: UiCtxHomeOpened
11:01:29.575 | DEBUG | main_thread | UiActionsRegister | updateEnabledAll: currentCtx: UiCtxNotationFocused
11:01:30: ...\win64install\bin\MuseScore4.exe crashed.

Stack trace:

1 QListData::begin qlist.h 118 0x134119c
2 QList::begin qlist.h 339 0x1321c8c
3 Ms::Score::partById score.cpp 5206 0x4ac4be
4 mu::engraving::PlaybackModel::resolveTrackPlaybackData playbackmodel.cpp 141 0x7c6b18
5 mu::notation::NotationPlayback::trackPlaybackData notationplayback.cpp 106 0xa51b18
6 mu::playback::PlaybackController::addTrack playbackcontroller.cpp 503 0xb78d92
7 mu::playback::PlaybackController::setupSequenceTracks playbackcontroller.cpp 664 0xb7b7b1
8 mu::playback::PlaybackController::setupNewCurrentSequence playbackcontroller.cpp 607 0xb7aa56
9 mu::playback::PlaybackController::::::operator()(const mu::audio::TrackSequenceId &) const playbackcontroller.cpp 72 0xb72645
10 std::__invoke_impl::&, int>(std::__invoke_other, mu::playback::PlaybackController:::: &, int &&) invoke.h 60 0xb9461f
11 std::__invoke::&, int>(mu::playback::PlaybackController:::: &, int &&) invoke.h 95 0xb93b3e
12 std::__apply_impl::&, std::tuple, 0>(mu::playback::PlaybackController:::: &, std::tuple &&, std::index_sequence) tuple 1678 0xb9316c
13 std::apply::&, std::tuple>(mu::playback::PlaybackController:::: &, std::tuple &&) tuple 1687 0xb931ac
14 deto::async::Promise::ResolveCall::, int>::resolved(const deto::async::NotifyData &) promise.h 126 0xb931f0
15 deto::async::Promise::PromiseInvoker::doInvoke promise.h 172 0x114fdf8
16 deto::async::AbstractInvoker::invokeCallback abstractinvoker.cpp 62 0x40353f
17 deto::async::AbstractInvoker::QInvoker::invoke abstractinvoker.h 123 0x114133c
18 deto::async::AbstractInvoker::::operator()(void) const abstractinvoker.cpp 49 0x403173
19 std::_Function_handler>::_M_invoke(const std::_Any_data &) std_function.h 297 0x40de5f
20 std::function::operator()() const std_function.h 687 0x13b8092

Crash at

    const Ms::Part* part = m_score->partById(trackId.partId.toUint64());

with m_score being 0. Changging that to

    const Ms::Part* part = m_score ? m_score->partById(trackId.partId.toUint64()) : nullptr;

fixes the crash, I'll submit a PR for that.

Debug output from a master build with that crash fixed (see above):

11:19:07.482 | DEBUG | main_thread | NotationProject | load: try load: .../Rosalinda_Live-1.3.mscz
11:19:07.558 | DEBUG | main_thread | Qt         | unknown: tag in  line 204 col 39: continueSymbolOffset
11:19:07.558 | DEBUG | main_thread | EngravingElementsProvider | printStatistic: 

=== Load ===
Object              created             deleted             
BracketItem         3                   1                   
Part                2                   0                   
Pedal               1                   0                   
PedalSegment        8                   0                   
Staff               3                   0                   
Tempo               1                   1                   
Text                20                  4                   
Total               38                  6                   

11:19:07.558 | DEBUG | main_thread | Qt         | onFireOpen: try open uri: musescore://project/migration, page: {"modal":"","params":{"appVersion":"1.3","isApplyAutoSpacing":false,"isApplyEdwin":true,"isApplyLeland":true,"migrationType":1,"sync":true},"path":"MuseScore/Project/MigrationDialog.qml","sync":true,"type":2,"uri":"musescore://project/migration"}
11:19:07.565 | DEBUG | main_thread | UiActionsRegister | updateEnabledAll: currentCtx: UiCtxHomeOpened
11:19:07.574 | DEBUG | main_thread | UiActionsRegister | updateEnabledAll: currentCtx: UiCtxUnknown
11:19:09.500 | DEBUG | main_thread | UiActionsRegister | updateEnabledAll: currentCtx: UiCtxHomeOpened
11:19:09.504 | DEBUG | main_thread | Qt         | doLayoutRange: empty score
11:19:09.504 | DEBUG | main_thread | Score      | endCmd: Undo stack current macro child count: 3
11:19:09.504 | INFO  | main_thread | ProjectMigrator | migrateEngravingProjectIfNeed: success migration
11:19:09.504 | DEBUG | main_thread | Qt         | doLayoutRange: empty score
11:19:09.504 | DEBUG | main_thread | EngravingElementsProvider | printStatistic: 

=== Update and Layout ===
Object              created             deleted             
Page                1                   1                   
Total               1                   1                   

11:19:09.508 | DEBUG | main_thread | UiActionsRegister | updateEnabledAll: currentCtx: UiCtxHomeOpened
11:19:09.508 | DEBUG | main_thread | Qt         | checkHasMeasures: first create measure, then repeat operation
11:19:09.508 | DEBUG | main_thread | Qt         | checkHasMeasures: first create measure, then repeat operation
11:19:09.508 | DEBUG | main_thread | Qt         | checkHasMeasures: first create measure, then repeat operation
11:19:09.508 | DEBUG | main_thread | Qt         | checkHasMeasures: first create measure, then repeat operation
11:19:09.508 | DEBUG | main_thread | Qt         | checkHasMeasures: first create measure, then repeat operation
11:19:09.508 | DEBUG | main_thread | Qt         | checkHasMeasures: first create measure, then repeat operation
11:19:09.509 | DEBUG | main_thread | Qt         | checkHasMeasures: first create measure, then repeat operation
11:19:09.509 | DEBUG | main_thread | Qt         | checkHasMeasures: first create measure, then repeat operation
11:19:09.520 | DEBUG | main_thread | MscMetaReader | readMeta: Can't find thumbnail
11:19:09.797 | DEBUG | main_thread | Qt         | onFireOpen: try open uri: musescore://notation, page: {"modal":"","params":{"sync":true},"path":"","sync":true,"type":1,"uri":"musescore://notation"}
11:19:09.798 | DEBUG | main_thread | WorkspacesDataProvider | setRawData: set data to default workspace, key: ui_states
11:19:09.804 | DEBUG | main_thread | UiActionsRegister | updateEnabledAll: currentCtx: UiCtxHomeOpened
11:19:09.880 | DEBUG | main_thread | UiActionsRegister | updateEnabledAll: currentCtx: UiCtxHomeOpened
11:19:09.886 | DEBUG | main_thread | UiActionsRegister | updateEnabledAll: currentCtx: UiCtxNotationFocused
11:19:09.931 | DEBUG | main_thread | UiActionsRegister | updateEnabledAll: currentCtx: UiCtxNotationOpened
Title 1.3 score using Pedal line displays empty in 3.x, crashes in master 1.3 score using Pedal line with a middle symbol displays empty in 3.x, crashes in master

(and 1.x apparently has a bug there, it does show the Start Symbol on the last segment of such a line, not the Middle Symbol, the import into 2.x fixes that 'on the fly')

From read114.cpp:

            else if (tag == "continueSymbol") {                   // obsolete
            else if (tag == "continueSymbol") {
                  QString text(e.readElementText());
                              ? resolveSymCompatibility(SymId(text.toInt()), textLine->score()->mscoreVersion())
                              : text));

The 1st is for Ottave lines (in readOttava114()), the 2nd for text lines (in readTextLine114())

            else if (tag == "continueSymbolOffset") // obsolete

is also for text lines (in readTextLine114()). Marked obsolete but does get read.
However, it doesn't seem to get read in, else the 'unknown tag' message wouldn't show?

Hmm, there's also a readPedalLine114(), that does call readTextLineProperties114(), that in turn doesn't read any of the {begin,continue,end}Symbol* stuff though?

On reading a 1.x Pedal line apparently beginSymbol, beginSymbolOffset, endSymbol and endSymbolOffset (and also subtype) are ingnored already, so I guess the fix would be to just ignore continueSymbol and ContinueSymbolOffset too?

Status PR created fixed

Fixed in branch master, commit 5bb2cf3c31

_Partial fix #330270: Crash on importing a 1.x score using a Pedal line with a continueSymbol

a score that that even 3.x imports as being entirely empty, but 1.x and 2.x just opens cleanly._

Fixed in branch master, commit 406532427f

_Fix #330270: 1.x score using Pedal line with a continueSymbol imports empty

Also custom beginSymbol, endSymbol and their offset got ignored, the former got hard coded instead._

Fix version