"Exclude from measure count" not working for me

• May 19, 2022 - 21:05

Just started using Musescore. Creating a lead sheet. I want 4 bars per system, which I specified. It was counting the pickup measure, which threw everything off, so I searched around and found this "exclude from measure count" option. So I select the pickup measure, control-click (I'm on a Mac) and choose Measure Properties, then check "exclude from measure count," "apply" and "ok." Nothing happens! I see previous topics with same issue. .... I'm sure there is a work-around for this, but I haven't figured that out yet.


Exclude from measure count only changes the measure numbering, i.e. instead of the pickup measure being #1 the first full measure become #1. To add a measure, click on any measure and press [Insert] or (from the menu) Add >Bar >Insert one bar.

You wrote:
I want 4 bars per system, which I specified. It was counting the pickup measure,

So, if I understand correctly, you should put a system break after 5 bars (includes the pickup) on the first system. This way it shows 4 bars not counting the pickup.
Then select everything after the first system and specify 'Break systems every 4 measures' using menu item: Format > Add/Remove System Breaks.

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