Rate/Criticize my score

• Sep 14, 2014 - 03:39


I made this rather quickly, so I know it isn't perfect or great but please tell me what you think I could have done better or added. This is the first score I have made and I am new to scoring/composing and the idea behind it is supposed to be epic or heroic but please constructive criticism is greatly appreciated.


Hi mikegd00

I added some brackets, changed instrument order, set reverb and chorus to zero, removed empty bars, corrected rests and added a line break to the instrument name of double basses.

In terms of the actual composition, maybe someone can help you better than me. :)

Attachment Size
Desolation.mscz 4.53 KB

Since I felt a C minor tonality, I thought of changing the key signature. I also corrected the accidentals. As long as the music is tonal and not atonal, we should take care of the accidentals. It's Eb, not D#! Though there's a feel of C major towards the end, so a change back could be ok.
This is written with MuseScore 2.0:

Another thing is that the music has a strong 5/4-feel. I tried to place the piano part in a 5/4 time. Looks better to me, though at the end something happens. You have to check for the main beat and adjust the time signature along that.
Didn't check if MuseScore 2.0 can rearrange bars, if you change the time signature at the beginning. Probably it just adds one fourth rest in each bar. So I copied the piano track, created an empty 5/4 piano track and pasted the music there:

Attachment Size
Desolation.mscz 5.96 KB
Desolation54.mscz 3.33 KB

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