Moving notes within a measure

• Jun 2, 2022 - 20:37

This is to pick up on recent discussion in the "How do I delete a rest?" thread in the Support and Bug Reports forum.

When you delete a note that shouldn't be there it turns into a rest of equivalent length and, of course, you can't delete a rest. When you just want to get rid of a misplaced note or rest (very common when converting from pdf), this means you have to re-enter the measure or do a careful cut and paste. Either one is easy in a simple measure (say, 4 quarter notes). But, when the measure is more complicated it becomes more difficult to do either. So, this suggestion is to "automate" the cut and paste procedure within a measure to work as follows:

  1. Select the portion of the measure you want to move
  2. Allow the user to drag the selected notes right or left in the measure, with notes and rests moving to the other side of the selected notes as required to keep the measure in time. For example, in a 4/4 measure containg C, quarter rest, D, E, if you select the D and E and slide them left over the quarter rest, that rest would jump to then end of the measure to result in C, D, E, quarter rest. Slide left over the C to result in D, E, C, quarter rest. This should work either direction, and would significantly improve ease of editing.


Can you post a sample score where you are finding it difficult to use cut and paste? I could imagine perhaps something involving multiple voices, but then it's hard to imagine how dragging wouldn't have the exact same difficulty. An example would help us understand better, and then perhaps someone would be able to somehow design a solution that doesn't have those problems..

BTW, you can delete a rest, via Ctrl+Delete. This is quite useful in correcting the sort of errors PDF conversion programs typical make.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I pick up this thread, for MuseScore 4.3.2. In the attachment is such a measure that needs clean up. The yellow breaks have to be removed - "that's it". But I cannot do this - selecting any of them and then Ctrl-Delete does simply nothing :-(
How would you do this (efficiently, i.e., without entering the notes anew)?

Thank you!

Attachment Size
Cleanup.JPG 50.19 KB

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