Muse Sounds requests for the future

• Dec 16, 2022 - 19:52

I am really optimistic seeing the full release of MuseScore 4 and Muse Sounds. It is super cool that this type of more musical playback is possible. There are just a few improvements I think could be made for people with a similar workflow to myself. I primarily write for marching band, concert band, brass quintet, and various homogenous brass ensembles. As it stands, I go back to the Musescore general sound font when writing for these groups.

  • The range for the trombone only goes up to a C when I would love to hear the playback of up to F5 or at least D5. The ranges that the general sound font has are good.
  • The saxophones are really loud by default so they have to be turned down in the mixer.
  • The dynamics for some brass are so wide that it goes from blasting to inaudible and the timbre change from mezzo dynamics to forte dynamics is very wide. I think mezzo forte could be a bit more in between.
  • Sometimes the portamento obscures rhythms.
  • Repeated notes with no articulation marking meld into each other and do not sound clearly articulated.
  • I do not know if there is a way to change the reverb on Muse Sounds to be less, but if I could be able to adjust that it would be great.

These are just a few of the gripes I have right now that are preventing me from using Muse Sounds for everything. You all are definitely on the right track and I'm so impressed with what you have accomplished for this release.


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