MuseScore4 Crash when using Enter to add another line to stave text.

• Dec 22, 2022 - 23:31

I sometimes need to annotate my scores with stave text. In MS3 you just hit Enter and carry on typing on the next line. In MS4 the program just locks up. Completely reproducible on my system. I was able to save where I'd got to in transcribing a song, although I'd done a screengrab just in case - it wouldn't just have been keying in the last few bars, I would have had to work out what the notes were again. Fortunately MS4 was able to retrieve all the data when I restarted the prog. Normally I save every few bars anyway but MS4's behaviour caught me out! I'd left it a few minutes before closing the prog just in case it was waiting for a timeout (opening the Format/Style dialog takes a full minute on my system during which the prog appears to have hung but then recovers).
Those two issues are serious enough for me not to want to carry on trying to use MS4 for the time being until it's been sorted out. I've been using MS3 for a good while now without any issues other than learning how to use all the features. I was also very lucky that the work I had done so far was able to be exported as a MusicXML file and then opened in MS3 so I can carry on there instead.
Also a bit annoying that my MS3 shortcut for Fingering input (ctrl-alt-K) can't be used in MS4 because ctrl-alt brings up the File menu!
I think I'll keep MS4 for the new engraving for printouts, and for playback with the new sounds, but sadly I don't see me using it to create new scores for a while yet.
Best regards,

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