Corrupted File?

• Dec 23, 2022 - 03:35

Hi! I have a file that says it's corrupted on both Musescore 3 and 4. I've followed all of the corruption instructions the best I can, but my app either crashes or it just simply doesn't work. I've also tried restarting my computer, restarting both apps, trying to open it online, and having someone else work on it with me. It's only this file. I'm not sure if it's an issue of my end or Musescore's end, and I'm not sure if it's repairable or a lost cause. I'm just a bit a confused I suppose.
Let me know if anyone can help :)
Edit: I found from a different thread that when the code is all 0's, it's unretrievable. My code is in fact all 0's, so I've just used a backup to rewrite the music that I wrote last night.


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