Hide non-active layers

• Sep 25, 2014 - 19:38

Sometimes the program doesn't seem to do what I tell it:) and it is hard to fix it.

I sometimes have to resort to re-scanning the MuseScore output with Sharpeye to get everything on one layer. That also doesn't always work so I find myself retyping whole sections.

It would really help if we could just HIDE layers so we can see what we are actually working on.



MuseScore doesn't have "layers", so I am not understanding what you are talking about. Are you referring to "voices"? It's still hard for me to imagine what *specific* problem you mean, and how scanning would help. Please post a score demonstrating the problem you are having, and describe *specifically* what you are trying to do and how you are trying to do it and what goes wrong when you try. I'm sure people will be able to show you to do whatever it is you are trying to do, but we need more information.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Yes but I don't have a score that will easily show the problem right now.

It's simple really, though - Notes, Rests, Lyrics and Chordnames seem to be "attached" to a specific voice. So when I scan music with Sharpeye it may end up in the "wrong" voice. It's not too obvious so I really wouldn't be able to demonstrate it but I end up with extra Rests that I can't delete, Chordnames that re-position themselves logically and I think the clue is that I end up with Lyrics (and Chordnames) that are "skipped" over when I am trying to edit them.

I have recently noticed that if I change the Voice I can then delete/edit them. So it would be nice to be able to just see the Rests, Lyrics and Chordnames for just one voice at a time. I think it would save a lot of time debugging little problems. (some of which I have just been ignoring for years!!)

My comment about re-scanning is that sometimes I really can't get any result at all! So I get as far as I can, print it out and re-scan with Sharpeye. I try to fix what I can in Sharpeye and then import to MuseScore and try again. (VERY tedious!!)


Sometimes my score is just wrong and I can't fix it because one or more system lengths are wrong! Any attempt to edit and MuseScore simply adjusts the music to suit it's rules (which are already violated - a bug!).

It would nice to able to be able to switch to "Freeform" and fix the problem. I am sure that would be easy to do - the problem is how to switch back!!!! However, one step at a time - maybe I could just fix the error and exit!

If I can get a good, clean copy I can always re-scan it however, SharEye isn't very good with lyrics!!!

In reply to by franksk

I think we need a little more information about your use case here franksk.

I'm personally a little puzzled why you should be scanning MuseScore created music with Sharpeye (brilliant program btw - best OMR software I have seen so far) when you can output direct to MusicXML from MuseScore.

Perhaps you would enlighten me as to what you are trying to achieve?

In reply to by ChurchOrganist

I have a lot of music that is written for piano and voice. I play a Yamaha Keyboard with "single finger" Chords. So i just need Fake Book Lead Sheets.

I scan the music with Sharpeye, clean it up as best I can and and delete the extra staves. Then I export MusicXML to use in MuseScore.

Sometimes there are problems that I can't resolve (as described) and as a last option I will print it out from MuseScore and scan it again. I then use Sharpeye edit get it as close as I can and export xml again. > back into MuseScore and hope I have solved it!!

Notice that what I am really accomplishing is merging all the layers into one! (I hope) - another feature option for you.

I'll add another twist to that... Because I want a single page output, I would like to use "small notes" for the second, etc verse to reduce the size. I am starting to do that with some success but I think this also would benefit from being able to see the layers separately. (I bought "I have a Dream" by Abba and it is 7 pages!! I have it down to ONE!!!)

(I am useless at turning pages!!)

In reply to by franksk

I would suggest next time you get a score into a state where it seems the best thing is to print it and re-scan, instead try posting it here and describe the problem. I can practically guarantee there will be much easier ways of dealing with the problems directly in MuseScore.

In reply to by franksk

I think here too, the best thing will be to wait until you have a score that you think would benefit from a "hide non-active voices" option and why, and we'll show you how to do whatever it is you need to do without that. Not that there is no chance of ever implementing such an option, but I'm betting there are are very simple and straightforward ways of doing what you need already.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Here's a really simple one I just came across. Although it isn't quite what I was talking about it illustrates the problem.

Take a look at system #5. Click on the notes for voice #1 (stems up) and you will notice that it changes voice! Somewhere it has got messed up in translation!

It's not as big a problem now that I know what I am looking for ( I have to re-type it though!) but you can see that if I was able to "hide" all voices except #1, it would be REALLY obvious what the problem was AND it would be really easy to check my fix.

Yes, I suppose I could just select all voice #1 and change the stems! BUT, even on this small score, it will still take considerable time to check that it is correct.

Please be aware that I have been doing this for about 4 years! Every now and then I pause to try to learn a bit more. But it is a slow process - I need to understand more to learn more, and visa versa. I can't just pick it up all at once. So there have to be MANY other users who are stumbling along with similar problems as me !


Attachment Size
Blowing in the Wind.mscz 5.41 KB

In reply to by franksk

If you just want help finding notes in voice 2, that easy enough - find one note in that voice, right click, Select / More / Same Voice. Then you can hide them yourself, or change their color, or whatever you want.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I an see more with that tool but it would be clearer if I could examine just one voice.

When I colour a voice it doesn't colour the stems. dots and ( I think) rests! I can only say "I think" because it looks as if some rests are considered to be a 3rd voice! Even then, when I select a rest in the last bar and colour it, there are still rests in the body that are not coloured. Is there a 4th voice??

That actually doesn't make sense because the rests are needed in voices 1 & 2.

This DOES demonstrate why it would be nice to examine/edit voices separately.

In reply to by franksk

Why do you need stems colored? Rests indeed are not, but again, why do you need them to to be? You can just repeat that same process for rests.

You could also use something like this plugin to automatically color each voice differently:


and perhaps modify it if necessary depending on if it handles rests the way you want for your particular (rather unusual) purpose.

The point is, MuseScore provides excellent and very general facilities that can be used for a large number of different purposes. Whereas it seems what you are describing is mostly only needed for one very specific purpose - to work around bugs in your scanning software. I'd rather focus on finding ways of using the more general features that already exist - and tweaking them if necessary - and only adding new features if the existing ones really are not sufficient. And so far, it really does look like all the features you'd need to work around the bugs in your scanning software are already there - it's just a mater of applying them.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Marc, if you spend just 5 mins trying to correct that piece I sent you, you will understand the problem. Yes, I am trying to correct errors!! Some are actually caused by bugs in MuseScore - it doesn't matter where they come from.

1) I'd like to be able to see them clearly

2) I'd like to be able to fix them.

The problem with having rigid rules in your formatting is that, if there is a bug, it is exceedingly difficult to work around it. This discussion is only about how to SEE the error - We still have to be able to FIX it!!

I seems like you're starting to get defensive here and I don't wish to continue this conversation. I am just trying to make suggestions - I thought I would spend some of my time and help with your Beta testing. Not working out, I appreciate your time and I think you also can spend it better.

Thanks again

In reply to by franksk

I have also had a lot of problems (1,3) with extraneous key signatures and time signatures when changing in the middle of the piece.

Still would be nice to be able to over-ride and delete them.

In reply to by franksk

I'm not getting defensive. I'm just trying to show you that MuseScore already has all the facilities you need to do what you are trying to do. You just need to learn to use them. The plugin I mentioned in particular probably solves your problem totally right there - it just happens to be a *different* solution than you proposed.

In general, adding features to solve very specific problems is not a good idea. It leads to code bloat - the program getting bigger and slower and harder to maintain, meaning more bugs over time, harder to implement other new features etc. So while adding new features is mportant, it is also important to focus on new features that solve problems *not already solved by existing features*. That is why I am trying to get you to see how you can solve your problems using the existing features. only if truly turns out there is no solution using existing features would it make sense to consider adding a new feature to solve that particular problem.

BTW, you mention bugs in MuseScore - if you've encountered some, do be sure to report them so we can make sure they are fixed.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Oh, also, in 2.0 Beta, the Selection Filter would probably also be a useful tool in doing the sorts of things you appear to be doing. For instance, open the filter and uncheck voice 2, then select all and click "set invisible" in inspector, then Esc to clear selection. Bingo, everything has been set invisible except the contents of voice 2. Lots of other similar things can be done in this way. A wonderful general purpose tool than can help with your task as well as many, many others.

Again, if you an give more specific examples of what you are trying to do, we'd be able to give more specific instructions on how to accomplish it. So far, it really does look to me like there is nothing you are describing that can't already be done with the facilities already provide. But if you've got a specific example of something that can *not* be done, then it would indeed be worth discussing the best way to support that in the future.

In reply to by franksk

You mean measure 5, not system 5, right?
Select the measure, press x and voila, voice 1 notes have stems up, voice 2 stems down.
Same in measure 14 and 21, in that last one you's still have to fix the slur, no idea from where to where this was supposed to go
Ooops, that slur only shows up when opening the score in 2.0 Beta 1, sorry.

Attachment Size
Blowing in the Wind.mscz 5.43 KB

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz


Now select one of the rests in the last bar (measure) and colour it. When I did this there were still rests in the middle of the piece that are not coloured.

As I said, this doesn't make sense because these rests are integrel parts of their voices and should be treated as part of that voice. Just maybe they are treated in the same way in other parts of the program, therefore leading to other errors.

In reply to by franksk

huh? there are rests in measures 7, 14 and 21 that are marked invisible. And only in those 3 measures, and only in those there are 2 voices used, everything else is just using voice 1

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Oops! I need to look that up! Marking elements as "invisible" might be a major part of the solution I am looking for.

Oh, look at that!! But unfortunately, when I print it I still see the stem!
(that selecting the note but not the stem thing is still bothering me - are you sure it is not leading to other problems?)

Key Signatures work though. I wonder if that will help with key changes?

Thanks, that's a helpful feature that I didn't know about.

In reply to by franksk

If you only select the note but not the stem, then indeed, only the note gets marked invisible or colored or whatever. To select just the note, click it. To select the whole "chord" - including stem, etc - Shift-click it. Or, more often to the point, select a region (ie, click one note, shift-click another to select all notes between those two points).

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