Musescore4 does not load past startup screen

• Apr 1, 2023 - 16:21

My error is similar to the one reported by Sergio Acevedo: but a restart did not fix the issue. This is new behavior; the last time I ran Musescore a few days ago everything worked fine.

I run Musescore on Arch Linux. When I open Musescore it loads the "startup screen" with shortcuts to recently opened scores. Nothing in the window is clickable, and clicking produces the error below. I can only close the program by killing it with a process manager.

Here is the terminal output when running the program:

QEventLoop: Cannot be used without QApplication
11:12:22.103 | INFO | main_thread | GlobalModule | onPreInit: log path: /home/jeff/.local/share/MuseScore/MuseScore4/logs/MuseScore_230401_111222.log
11:12:22.103 | INFO | main_thread | GlobalModule | onPreInit: === Started MuseScore 4.0.2, build number ===
11:12:22.172 | WARN | main_thread | DiagnosticsModule | onInit: crash handling disabled
11:12:22.173 | DEBUG | main_thread | ShortcutsRegister | expandStandardKeys: removed 5 shortcut, because they are not bound to standard key
11:12:22.173 | DEBUG | main_thread | ShortcutsRegister | expandStandardKeys: added 3 shortcut, because they are alternative shortcuts for the given standard keys
11:12:22.173 | WARN | main_thread | Qt | QIODevice::read (QFile, "/home/jeff/.local/share/MuseScore/MuseScore4/shortcuts.xml"): device not open
11:12:22.173 | WARN | main_thread | Qt | QIODevice::read (QFile, "/home/jeff/.local/share/MuseScore/MuseScore4/midi_mappings.xml"): device not open
11:12:22.179 | DEBUG | main_thread | LinuxAudioDriver | open: Connected to default
11:12:22.179 | ERROR | main_thread | MuseSamplerLibHandler | MuseSamplerLibHandler: Unable to open MuseSampler library, path: /home/jeff/.local/share/MuseSampler/lib/
11:12:22.179 | ERROR | main_thread | MuseSamplerResolver | checkLibrary: Incompatible MuseSampler library; ignoring
11:12:22.262 | DEBUG | main_thread | InstrumentTemplate | read: InstrumentTemplate:: init instrument not found
11:12:22.264 | DEBUG | main_thread | AlsaMidiInPort | connect: Connected to -1
11:12:22.264 | DEBUG | main_thread | AlsaMidiOutPort | connect: Connected to -1
11:12:22.281 | DEBUG | main_thread | Score | tick2segment: no measure for tick -1
11:12:22.303 | DEBUG | main_thread | Score | tick2segment: no measure for tick -1
11:12:22.306 | ERROR | main_thread | PluginsConfiguration | updatePluginsConfiguration: [401] The file does not exist
11:12:22.306 | WARN | main_thread | CloudService | readTokens: Could not find the tokens file: /home/jeff/.local/share/MuseScore/MuseScore4/cred.dat
11:12:22.306 | WARN | main_thread | IpcSocket | connect: failed connect to server
11:12:22.307 | WARN | main_thread | IpcSocket | connect: failed connect to server
11:12:22.307 | INFO | main_thread | IpcSocket | connect: success connected to ipc server
11:12:22.307 | DEBUG | main_thread | WorkspacesDataProvider | rawData: get data from default workspace, key: ui_settings
11:12:22.307 | DEBUG | main_thread | WorkspacesDataProvider | rawData: get data from default workspace, key: ui_states
11:12:22.307 | INFO | 140533489141440 | IpcServer | listen: id: "2cde9e0afdf7422cb23a17d5bad333fc"
11:12:22.307 | DEBUG | main_thread | WorkspacesDataProvider | rawData: get data from default workspace, key: ui_toolconfigs
11:12:22.307 | DEBUG | main_thread | UiActionsRegister | updateEnabledAll: currentCtx: UiCtxUnknown
11:12:22.310 | DEBUG | main_thread | Score | tick2segment: no measure for tick -1
11:12:22.316 | DEBUG | main_thread | Score | tick2segment: no measure for tick -1
11:12:22.317 | DEBUG | main_thread | WorkspacesDataProvider | rawData: get data from default workspace, key: palettes
11:12:22.317 | DEBUG | main_thread | PaletteWorkspaceSetup | setup: no palette data in workspace, will use default
11:12:22.320 | DEBUG | main_thread | Score | tick2segment: no measure for tick -1
11:12:22.325 | DEBUG | main_thread | Score | tick2segment: no measure for tick -1
11:12:22.569 | DEBUG | main_thread | UiActionsRegister | updateEnabledAll: currentCtx: UiCtxUnknown
11:12:22.702 | ERROR | main_thread | AppShell | run: error: qrc:/qml/MuseScore/UiComponents/FlatButton.qml:174:5: QML Loader: Binding loop detected for property "itemImplicitWidth"

11:12:22.702 | WARN | main_thread | Qt | qrc:/qml/MuseScore/UiComponents/FlatButton.qml:174:5: QML Loader: Binding loop detected for property "itemImplicitWidth"
11:12:22.702 | ERROR | main_thread | AppShell | run: error: qrc:/qml/MuseScore/UiComponents/FlatButton.qml:174:5: QML Loader: Binding loop detected for property "itemImplicitWidth"

11:12:22.702 | WARN | main_thread | Qt | qrc:/qml/MuseScore/UiComponents/FlatButton.qml:174:5: QML Loader: Binding loop detected for property "itemImplicitWidth"
11:12:22.703 | ERROR | main_thread | AppShell | run: error: qrc:/qml/MuseScore/UiComponents/FlatButton.qml:174:5: QML Loader: Binding loop detected for property "itemImplicitWidth"

11:12:22.703 | WARN | main_thread | Qt | qrc:/qml/MuseScore/UiComponents/FlatButton.qml:174:5: QML Loader: Binding loop detected for property "itemImplicitWidth"
11:12:22.703 | ERROR | main_thread | AppShell | run: error: qrc:/qml/MuseScore/UiComponents/FlatButton.qml:174:5: QML Loader: Binding loop detected for property "itemImplicitWidth"

11:12:22.703 | WARN | main_thread | Qt | qrc:/qml/MuseScore/UiComponents/FlatButton.qml:174:5: QML Loader: Binding loop detected for property "itemImplicitWidth"
11:12:22.704 | ERROR | main_thread | AppShell | run: error: qrc:/qml/MuseScore/UiComponents/FlatButton.qml:174:5: QML Loader: Binding loop detected for property "itemImplicitWidth"

11:12:22.704 | WARN | main_thread | Qt | qrc:/qml/MuseScore/UiComponents/FlatButton.qml:174:5: QML Loader: Binding loop detected for property "itemImplicitWidth"
11:12:22.704 | ERROR | main_thread | AppShell | run: error: qrc:/qml/MuseScore/UiComponents/FlatButton.qml:174:5: QML Loader: Binding loop detected for property "itemImplicitWidth"

11:12:22.704 | WARN | main_thread | Qt | qrc:/qml/MuseScore/UiComponents/FlatButton.qml:174:5: QML Loader: Binding loop detected for property "itemImplicitWidth"
11:12:22.704 | ERROR | main_thread | AppShell | run: error: qrc:/qml/MuseScore/UiComponents/FlatButton.qml:174:5: QML Loader: Binding loop detected for property "itemImplicitWidth"

11:12:22.704 | WARN | main_thread | Qt | qrc:/qml/MuseScore/UiComponents/FlatButton.qml:174:5: QML Loader: Binding loop detected for property "itemImplicitWidth"
11:12:22.705 | ERROR | main_thread | AppShell | run: error: qrc:/qml/MuseScore/UiComponents/FlatButton.qml:174:5: QML Loader: Binding loop detected for property "itemImplicitWidth"

11:12:22.705 | WARN | main_thread | Qt | qrc:/qml/MuseScore/UiComponents/FlatButton.qml:174:5: QML Loader: Binding loop detected for property "itemImplicitWidth"
11:12:22.705 | ERROR | main_thread | AppShell | run: error: qrc:/qml/MuseScore/UiComponents/FlatButton.qml:174:5: QML Loader: Binding loop detected for property "itemImplicitWidth"

11:12:22.705 | WARN | main_thread | Qt | qrc:/qml/MuseScore/UiComponents/FlatButton.qml:174:5: QML Loader: Binding loop detected for property "itemImplicitWidth"
11:12:22.714 | DEBUG | main_thread | Qt | onFireOpen: try open uri: musescore://home, page: {"modal":"","params":{"sync":true},"path":"","sync":true,"type":1,"uri":"musescore://home"}
11:12:23.223 | DEBUG | main_thread | UiActionsRegister | updateEnabledAll: currentCtx: UiCtxHomeOpened
11:12:23.234 | WARN | main_thread | Qt | QObject::connect(QQuickItem, mu::uicomponents::PopupViewCloseController): invalid nullptr parameter
11:12:23.234 | WARN | main_thread | Qt | QObject::connect(QObject, mu::uicomponents::PopupViewCloseController): invalid nullptr parameter
11:12:23.234 | DEBUG | main_thread | UiActionsRegister | updateEnabledAll: currentCtx: UiCtxHomeOpened
11:12:23.234 | DEBUG | main_thread | UiActionsRegister | updateEnabledAll: currentCtx: UiCtxHomeOpened
11:12:23.234 | DEBUG | main_thread | UiActionsRegister | updateEnabledAll: currentCtx: UiCtxHomeOpened
11:12:24.772 | ERROR | main_thread | UpdateScenario | doCheckForUpdate: Unable to check for update, error: [1701]
[1] 1976 terminated mscore

Thanks in advance!


In reply to by bobjp

You mean by running mscore -F ? Nice thought, it bypasses the startup screen but the app has the same lack of functionality.

I've reinstalled Musecore3, I'm lucky someone is maintaining the package in the AUR. It works just like I remember it. I'll have to rewrite a couple tunes that aren't compatible with the Musescore4 format, but that's alright.

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