How to modify the custom position attribute of a beam in plugins

• May 11, 2023 - 05:05

I have tried to modify the offset of the beam before, but if the custom position is not modified, it cannot be moved. However, I do not know which attribute belongs to the beam for this custom position.
Anyway, I can't move beam's position through the plugin.


I don't think you can directly modify this value. Instead, if you 'modify' the existing values by setting them to itself, this property should activate on its own:

var beam; //the selected beam
beam.beamPos.x = beam.beamPos.x //the left height of the beam
beam.beamPos.y = beam.beamPos.y //the right height of the beam

I have another idea if this doesn't work

In reply to by davil123

I'm not sure if setBeamPos() is even really accessible via plugins. And yes, MuseScore 4 has many things from plugins that don't work (and in a few months/years there might be a new system). I'll do some work myself and see if I find anything to fix the beam issue

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