Translation missing

• Oct 7, 2014 - 17:55

In the German version of MuseScore 2.0 Beta 1 there is a translation missing in a Question. When the Version has crashed down and you reopen MuseScore, there is a little box in which MuseScore is saying: "The previous session quit unexpectedly." (German: "Die letzte Sitzung wurde unerwartet beendet."). Under this sentence MuseScore asks: "Restore session?" (German: "Sitzung wiederherstellen?").
And under the question there are the buttons "Yes" and "No". And here is the missing translation: In the German version there should be "Ja" for "Yes" and "Nein" for "No", but inside the buttons there are the words written in English. The rest of the box is written in German. This should be corrected, I mean, I can speak, listen, read and write in English (at least I think so, but how could I have written this text else?), but I would like to have it in German.


Have you updated the translations?
Via Hilfe->Hilfsmittelverwaltung or Bearbeiten->Einstellungen...->Sprache/Übersetzungen aktualisieren

I see

In 161dcb0 with updated translations

If updating the translations doesn't help in 2.0 Beta 1: It is fixed in the currently nighly builds, like shown above, so would be fixed in Beta 2, whenever that's going to happen.

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