
• Nov 17, 2023 - 07:47

Hi, fellow music aficionados.

How to write groups of 2 eight dotted notes (1 dotted eight = eq.2 sixteenths) in a 12/16 time signature situation?

Thank you.


In reply to by FelixMaria

This is what we are talking about:

I tried to produce a model score to show how easy it is - and I failed... This is what I ended up with:

  1. It seems to me that there is a bug inMS4, which causes the beaming of a "non-standard" time signature to revert randomly from the custom beaming to the MS default beaming.
  2. The upper stave of a keyboard work can report a different beaming to the lower stave (default beaming on upper stave, custom beaming on lower stave). You can see this effect in the attached score by right-clicking the respective time signature on each stave and choosing "Time signature properties".
  3. The disappearance of custom beaming can happen even while the score is open, but particularly if the score is saved, closed and re-opened.
  4. In this situation, applying Format > Reset beams has no effect in restoring to the custom beaming: the Reset command only applies the default beaming.

So for example in 12/16:

Attachment Size
Bach_Fuga_IV_time_sig_.mscz 17.42 KB

Create your own 12/16 time signature.
Change the beam (see my cursor) to get two groups of eighth notes.
See the picture: If you don't change the beam, it looks like measure 1. If you do, it will look like measure 2. And the eighth notes will be grouped as in measure 2.
Also think about how you want to group the 16th and 32nd notes.
Time Signatures.png

In reply to by FelixMaria

Yes, of course!

A 12/16 time signature can have twelve sixteenth notes or six eighth notes or three quarter notes or four dotted eighth notes. If you change the beams as shown (you can also do this in the time signature properties) and then write dotted eighth notes, they will be grouped as shown.
That's how I did it in my example (with 3.6.2).
But you asked about dotted eighth notes ...

It may also be that I didn't quite understand your question.

Attachment Size
12_16(3.6.2).mscz 3.58 KB

In reply to by DanielR

I usually don't suspect that things that work well in 3.6.2 have a problem in version 4. Someone with a better knowledge of English should add that here https://musescore.org/en/node/334701. [EDIT] ... or report it on Github.
Thank you very much for trying to reproduce this in version 4.

And I still have to get into the habit of always stating which version my findings come from and that it may not work in version 4 after all ... :-)

In reply to by FelixMaria

If you select the third note of measure 1 from my example and click on "Beam start" in the beam palette, the four notes with common beams will become two groups.

This is of course cumbersome because it has to be done separately for each measure. However, you can also select all these notes with Ctrl+mouse click and change the beams together. Unfortunately, this is still cumbersome.

In reply to by FelixMaria

Ich bin auch ein alter Mann - deshalb: bleib bei HildeK :-).
Und offenbar kann ich auch in Deutsch schreiben ...
Es sieht so aus, dass MuS 4 mit der Erstellung von eigenen Taktarten und dem Zuordnen der Balkengruppierung noch ein Problem hat. Ich kann MuS 4 leider nicht nutzen.
Deshalb bleibt Dir vermutlich nur die Möglichkeit, über die Balkeneigenschaften nachträglich zu ändern. Das geht mit der Palette "Balkeneigenschaften". https://musescore.org/en/handbook/4/beams#Controlling_which_notes_are_b…
Leider nur einzeln für jede Stelle, die Du anders haben willst.

Um eine Unterbrechung des Balkens herbeizuführen, selektiere die darauf folgende Note und drücke in der Palette auf das zweite Symbol. Dann wird dort der Balken unterbrochen.

[Translation by deepl.com:]
I'm an old man too - so stick with HildeK :-).
And apparently I can also write in German ...
It looks like MuS 4 still has a problem with creating custom time signatures and assigning the beam grouping. Unfortunately, I cannot use MuS 4.
Therefore, you probably only have the option of making subsequent changes via the beam properties. You can do this with the "Beam Properties" palette. https://musescore.org/en/handbook/4/beams#Controlling_which_notes_are_b…
Unfortunately only individually for each place you want to change.

To interrupt the beam, select the following note and click on the second symbol in the palette. The beam will then be interrupted.

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