Extra half-beat

• Dec 16, 2023 - 12:58

Converted a PDF with clear staffs in 3/4 time. The conversion inexplicably added a half-beat to some of the measures, and no matter what I do, I can't fix it. See first three measures. First file is the pdf I converted. Second file is a pdf export of what I got in the .mcsz file.


The PDF import is by no means a perfect tool. Here the flags were not recognized, elsewhere some numbers (whatever they are used for) were recognized as triplets. With other import attempts, you often see that triplets, for example, are not recognized and therefore the measure becomes longer.
After the PDF import you usually have to do a lot of rework. Some corrections are only possible by inserting a new measure, rewriting it and then deleting the corrupt one.

Audiveris is used online in Musescore. This is also available as a stand-alone, free program that allows corrections to be made before the XML export. And there are also professional programs available for a fee. They may make fewer mistakes, but they don't import without errors either.
What can you do? Either copy everything by hand or, in principle, invest the same amount of time to search for and correct the errors.
By the way, it would have been better if you had attached the mscz of Musescore, because you can also see the hidden '+' and '-' there signs that show the wrong measure length.

In reply to by TexanInParis

As I have described: correct the notes to the correct length (change quarter notes to eighth notes), copy the other notes and insert them on the correct beat. A remaining rest on the right side of the measure can be deleted either by correcting the measure to its nominal length (measure properties) or by pressing Ctrl+Del on the excess rest.

In reply to by TexanInParis

What is the problem? Of course, you should only modify this quarter notes which should be an eighth note!
And if MuS 4 (you are using MuS 4?) changes the bass clef to a soprano clef - this may be an error- simply apply the bass clef again to the bass staff.
And again: don't post PDFs (except of the template) or pictures, the wrong score as mscz is the important thing!
This works in that case, but if there are several instruments the workflow can be very different because deleting the 8th rest on beat 2 it will delete at every instrument an eighth on beat 2. This can already be a problem in the bass clef of a piano.

In reply to by TexanInParis

Select an image file in the lower window - as you have done.
To the left of the checkbox is the text "insert". Place the cursor where you want to insert the image and click on "Insert". With 'Preview' you can check whether it is correct.
The checkbox (below 'DISPLAY') will then no longer be selected. If you click on it again, you will have both the link and the inserted image.

> and no matter what I do, I can't fix it. See first three measures.
Sorry, I forgot to give some hints how to repair it - for the first measures:
Just select the quarter note and change it to a eighth note. You will get a rest, select it and press Ctrl+Del.
Measures with the wrong triplet must be rewritten. Delete the content and write them again.
Others are hard to recognize, so the bass clef of m. 8 should have a dotted half note while the treble clef seems to be correct - but without having the score it is hard to say what's wrong and how to repair..

In reply to by TexanInParis

Ok, good!
Remember the following for future questions:

  • attach the score - it contains more information than a PDF or image. If the questions concern the PDF import, the original PDF is of course also required.
  • name the used version of MuseScore
  • name the operating system of your computer. Like here: Ctrl = CMD and other specifics may play a role.

In reply to by HildeK

I'm retired from a long career in information sciences, so I should know better than to not include other relevant information. Using MuseScore 4 ( on a Mac M2 running macOS Sonoma 14.1.2. Thanks to all for your patience and help to this old codger. I think I can muddle on now!

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