Text Track

• Dec 17, 2023 - 10:10

Score Annotation

I really need to be able to annotate the score within the score. As if we wrote things after the sheet is printed in real.
For now:
I use every text style I can use (ctrl+t, ctrl+e, etc. etc.) But it's not "for a purpose" enough.

So to solve this:
Idea 1) I wish I could have either a text track, empty (not mesaure no bar) but height fixed (even if adaptable) and something that tells me it's not regular text as "t" ou "e", that cannot be anywhere except in the text track. Can have multiple text track obviously. Something clearly defined.

Idea 2) Sticky notes we can move (as in the Windows Widget) according to where it coincids with the music we want to annotate.

Idea 3) Bonus: To be able to underline with a limited set of colors a measure (=> to be able to modify the background color of the image). As some videos we can see on youtube in score analysing.


In reply to by bobjp

Thank you for your answer.

I did. Doesn't work in horizontal view (a.k.a work view). Only by page. It's then a pain to switch from a final preview (page view) to work view (horizontal view) everytime I need to annotate something.

It's very impracticable, even with a page break. Maybe this text frame should be split by measure, because the carriage return as-is is not very usable. And the frame should be really framed, made visible, highlighted, I don't know.

This is from a post by Marc (7 March 2022);
“ I also simply add staff text within MuseScore when I want to make notes to myself. I have a predefined staff text with yellow background on a custom "Annotations" palette to make it really easy to add and identify such "sticky notes". They stick out like a sore thumb so they are easy to delete later.”

For highlighting measures there is a straightforward method described here: https://musescore.org/en/node/220071 . I have several different colours saved to a custom palette and find them very useful.

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