Empty File Error

• Dec 18, 2023 - 21:28

So I’ve been having an issue where my files become corrupted and the file deletes everything, leaving the score empty. How do I fix this or can my scores be recovered


Folders where you can search for musescore files (Windows) if you did not save one:

  • C:\Users\{YourUserAccount}\AppData\Local\MuseScore\MuseScore4
  • C:\Users\{YourUserAccount}\AppData\Local\MuseScore\MuseScore4\cloud_scores
  • C:\Users\{YourUserAccount}\AppData\Local\MuseScore\MuseScore4\cloud_scores\.mscbackup
  • C:\Users\{YourUserAccount}\Documents\MuseScore4\Scores
  • C:\Users\{YourUserAccount}\Documents\MuseScore4\Scores\.mscbackup
  • C:\Users\{YourUserAccount}\Documents\MuseScore4\Cloud Scores

This list may be incomplete or incorrect though

Also Musescore saves backup files in a hidden .mscbackup folder, which is located in the same place as your project file

If you find something interesting, copy that file to another location and open from that new location

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