Improved graphics for Musescore 4.

• Dec 19, 2023 - 21:42


The graphic quality of musescore is good but I find it "too perfect". You would have to set up several graphs and use them automatically at random to make the style of writing of the music more "real" and closer to the style of the engraver for score editions.
I hope this request will be taken into account because I think it's a shame to have software that's so beautiful that it becomes too pure, too simple.

Best regards,

cf: score made by musescore vs. score made by a music engraver for a paper edition.

Nathanaël, a loyal musescore 4 user.

Attachment Size
Marseillaise01.jpg 1.05 MB
complete-notation.png 184.23 KB


That's an interesting speculation. Here are some tips for you:

In MuseScore, you can try out another score font. This is found in styles->score (the first one). You can choose a score font that looks less perfect. You can also manually slightly change the length of individual beams and notehead positions one-by-one to imitate hand-engraved scores, or make a plugin that does it for you (plugins run on a variant of javascript so you can create random numbers). You can set various fonts for the text objects in the properties panel.

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