Percentage sign to repeat CHORD

• Dec 28, 2023 - 11:22

This feature has been asked about lots of times already, so I don't understand why it's not there. Right now, you have to jury-rig it by adding an invisible chord, and then putting also a percentage sign on top of the bar.

Some things to consider:

  • The 'repeat bar' sign is not adequate, because the goal is not to repeat the melodic notes, but just the CHORD.
  • Writing down the same chord symbol as in the previous bar is not an ideal solution, because while playing and memorizing a song you want to know when the chord CHANGES. The percentage sign is a nice shortcut that tells you: no changes. Writing down 'Gm7' for 6 bars is inelegant and doesn't convey this information as directly.
  • Not writing any chord symbol down is not an option either, because oftentimes one wants to play the score, to hear what it sounds like.


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

In my opinion, the % symbol is redundant to demonstrate the repetition of the chord. However, it could be a good idea to ensure chord playback. While that feature does not exist, you can repeat the chord symbol, make it invisible (V) and create a staff text with the % or even the bar repeat symbol (shift+F2).

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