Possible to change the note shape?

• Jan 3, 2024 - 01:35

question 2.png

Basically I am trying to copy the score format on this particular score sheet above.

I do not know what software they use, but musescore seems to be customizable in many ways so I am taking a shot, adjusting many parameters.

My question is this: The way they draw the note tilts the opposite to the way that musescore draws, and I can't seem to find out if muse score is possible to do that at all.

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question 2.png 241.53 KB


You can play about with note shapes by adjusting their properties. You can also look around for music fonts that match what you want.

In reply to by MK140221

if you can't import new fonts, i don't think there would be much luck for me. thanks for the time and effort though, saves me great deal of time and helps me from being frustrated after hours of search just to find it is impossible to achieve.

In reply to by musebrandy

Yeah I don't think that it's possible. The only method I can think of that would work is to make an SVG file out of the note shape and import it into MuseScore as an image, making the noteheads invisible and overlaying the image on it. You would have to do this for every note. But it's probably not worth the manual labor of doing it all.

I'm not sure if it's possible. Try looking in the master pallete (press Z). Go to symbols and look at those in the notehead category to see if any look like that.
Screenshot 2024-01-02 211654.png

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