BUG REPORT: Lack of Cooperation Between Tempo and Sustain Changes

• Jan 18, 2024 - 22:34

I am reporting on a bug that has become an existential issue since MuseScore3 and has yet to be addressed as far as I have seen.

In one of my scores, during a dramatic moment of dynamic and metric suspense and complexity, there is an accelerando followed by a ritardando. During this moment, the pedal is to be held down for precisely eight measures of music before beginning once more on the following four measures as the movement flows into the next section (I would like to add that the score also transitions from 3/4 to 6/8 if that is important at all). Instead of transitioning seamlessly, the pedal lasts only half the first measure before leaving this plane of existence. This sudden break is very aggravating, and I am appalled that something so simple can ruin a transcription. At this moment in time, I have not found a method to fix this issue. If, by chance, anyone knows a trick to fix this annoyance, it would be appreciated if you shared your knowledge. If I find a solution, I will post it here.


Please provide a snippet of your score or try and replicate the problem on a sample piece. That way we can help find the solution or a workaround for your problem.

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