what is the score with my scores?

• May 3, 2024 - 14:26

I have already created five (5) scores and have them stored on my PC.

Here at https://musescore.org/en/node/add/forum
when I click upon the upper right 'username' icon there comes a menu
containing 'my scores' I am moved to a website with :

Score storage
You haven’t got any scores yet.
But you can upload some.

I think it would be wise to clearly show that you mean CLOUD score storage
otherwise a user might be confused as to where his already (locally) stored
scores had gone to.

Moreover, when at https://musescore.com/user/xxxxxxxxxxx and I click upon
'username' again, I hope to find the scores that I personally stored on my PC.
But this time a long menu of options appears,

of which one option is :


and another option is :

My Scores

Option "Scores" takes me out of my user-sphere and into a marketplace of scores
from all over the world.

Optiom "My Scores" takes me again to 'Score Storage' 'You ain't got nothing'

  1. Now I have some scores (stored locally) and I wish to delete some. How do I do that?
    When I use your help option, I enter 'delete score' and out comes a suggestion to
    find something with three dots on the screen.

To delete or remove a score from your MuseScore profile, click on the three-dotted icon ⋮
and select the 'Delete this score' option. You can find the three-dotted icon ⋮ on the score page,
or via the Score Manager.

I have version 4.2.1 of Musescore.
Nowhere are there three dots.


1) There can only be a very, very small number of people who cannot distinguish between files stored locally or in the cloud.

2) Yes of course, no website can know and has no authorization to look at what you have stored locally on your PC. That's why you will never see the files saved locally. And since you haven't saved any in the musescore.com cloud yet, you get this message - hence: 'You ain't got nothing'

3) The scores are normally located on your hard disk in the documents directory under Musescore4/Scores. Unless you have explicitly saved them elsewhere, but you need to know that.
Use your file explorer to navigate to the location of these files and delete them. The MuseScore program cannot delete files. And the entries you see on your home screen are just references to previously used files. As far as I know, these cannot be deleted at the moment. Maybe there is an entry "Clear recent files" under File -> open recent, if so, you can use it to remove all references.

Since I don't use a MuS 4 version, I can't say anything about the score manager and the three points.

In reply to by HildeK

If I can put an apple in a basket then I can take an apple out of the basket. If Musescore can create a file and store it in a place which is not immediately obvious and if Musescore can start its operation and show which files are present in this location, then why can't Musescore have a button labeled "delete" which opens up at this location and ask the user "which apple would you like to take out?"
Doesn't seem hard to me.

In reply to by rapidrain

You need to realize that (Musescore the Web site) and (Musescore the computer app) are 2 separate entities. Musescore the Web sight is not permitted to query your personal computer. You can upload your scores to Musescore the web site at your discretion. Then manage them using My scores and scores in your profile. To find the scores on your personal computer you need to open Musescore the computer app, then navigate to the Folder they are stored in. Start at the top left of the screen and drop down the "Musescore" menu > choose preferences > then Folders. The information box will guide you to folder where your scores are stored on your PC.

In reply to by rapidrain

In which other program that you use can you delete the files saved on the hard disk?
I can delete individual mails in the mail program, I can delete any number of words in the word processor or the drawing in a drawing program. The files may then have no content, but they are still there.
You can also delete measures, notes and all sorts of other things in MuseScore. But in none of the examples can I delete the saved file. How do you delete a file that you have created with a word processing program and no longer need?
If you need to see where Musescore saves its files, use "File -> Save as" and select the desired location or remember the one that Musescore suggests. This is usually where the other files are.

There are only very few programs that allow you to delete files. And most of them are mainly used to manage files. Just accept that this is the case and use your file manager to delete files. Among other things, this is exactly what it is there for.
And editing the reference list on the Musescore start page is on the roadmap - as far as I know. But deleting there does not delete the file, only the reference to this file.

For your information, I have never written code for the Musescore software.

In reply to by HildeK

Start here: Drop down the Musescore menu and select preferences.
Screenshot 2024-05-03 at 9.58.04 AM.png

With the preference window open select folders.

Screenshot 2024-05-03 at 9.50.04 AM.png

This will display the path to the individual files (scores)
Screenshot 2024-05-03 at 9.50.32 AM.png

There are several ways to navigate to the folders and files depending on your operating system. On my Mac I have "finder", but windows and linux are different. Some web browsers will allow you to manage files. Just type or paste the path into address bar exactly as you see it. You may need to include the drive letter. I'm sure you can google. Manage files with web browser you'll get information overload in return. I haven't used windows in quite a while, but I seem to remember there was a path to the folders. Once your in the folder you can delete any file you want. You will probably have to close and reopen the program it's associated with for it to be removed from its cue.
Hope that helps.

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