Genres, Software adaptation

• May 11, 2024 - 09:06

Great job what you perform all the time. I´m publishing different pieces for a few years, coming originally from the Boogie Woogie scene. My personal wish is a change of the software concerning the different fix installed genres. The closest genres to my favorite is "Jazz", but it doesn´t match exactly. So it is sometimes difficult to find arrangements of the same close type of music. Could it be realizable to reservate an open field for typing the narrow genre by oneself, e. g. main : "Jazz", second (free) : "Boogie Woogie" (maybe third : "Albert Ammons". Or main : "Classic", second (free) : "Mozart", (maybe third : "Piano concert". So the user arrives quick and precise the music he´s looking for. If you are interested in contacting me : Thanks


Do you mean the classification on the file sharing website
We at have no influence on this. You would have to contact the support there.

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