Playback not working on certain Scores

• May 12, 2024 - 21:01

I recently updated Musescore to 4.3.0, but now a score I was working on before refuses to play. It loads fine, but when I press space, it just stays frozen and doesn't start playing. I was having this issue before, but usually closing and opening the software again fixed it, but now it doesn't play, no matter how much I reset.

The weird thing is that the playback works correctly with other Scores, even with older ones. I also checked the Mixer and it looks broken in the Score where I'm having the issue. It looks blank and I cannot select an instrument.



I was able to open and play your file with MU 4.3 and MU 3.7 without any problems. My Musescore versions run on a computer with Windows 10

Maybe you have the possibility to test on another computer.
It may help to reset Musescore to factory settings.

Unfortunately, I have little experience with MU 4.3. Some program functions that are important to me are missing or are very cumbersome compared to MU 3. That's why I'm not going to switch to MU 4 yet.

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