Time signature alterations?

• Nov 8, 2014 - 21:22

I have been composing a piece lately, in which the time signature is 4/4. However, I would now like to create a new segment where the time signature will be 5/4, and then return to 4/4 for the rest of the piece. I could not figure out how to do this.
Thanks in advance!


Write the first part in 4/4. Drag a 5/4 from the palette into the measure where you want to start 5/4. Drag a 4/4 over once you're done and want to back to 4/4. If you don't have a 5/4 in your palette you can make one - click on the first rest (or note) in the bit you want to be 5/4 and either find it there or create your own.

In reply to by ben.eager.526

Can you post a screenshot video so we can see what you are doing? I can only assume somehow you aren't doing it correctly, because the feature *does* work in general. When you say "it refuses to take it", do you mean, the measure never highlights, or that if you wait for it to highlight and then release while highlighted, the change does not appear? What version of MuseScore, what OS? And can you post the score you are having problems with and give step by step instructions to reproduce the problem?

In reply to by ben.eager.526

If the measure you are trying to drop to is empty, the drop zone is very narrow - you have to drop quite close to the left barline. If there are notes there, then you drop anywhere within the measure.

if this doesn't help, again, posting a screenshot video (see for example screenr.com) would help us see what you might be doing wrong.

In reply to by ben.eager.526

It looks like you are trying to drag the time signature to an empty measure. See my comment above - the drop zone is very narrow for empty measures in in 1.3., You have to drop very close to the opening barline. The measure *will* highlight, though. Take it slow, bring the mouse cursor right on top of the barline, then gradually move to the right. A fraction of an inch later, the measure will highlight, then you can release.

Or, simply add a note to the measure. Now you can drop the time signature anywhere in the measure - it should expand thedrop zone.

As for adding a line break, a similar thing applies, although the specifics are different. But drag and drop is not needed to add line breaks - simply click the barline, then hit Enter.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thank you all so much for your help.
I have just installed Musescore 2.0 Beta, and it your advice works perfectly. Also, there are more features, as well as a playback sound that sounds like an instrument, and not just a machine. I think that I'll be very happy with Musescore 2.0, and I would like to conclude this discussion as very successful!

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