Merge vocal lines together to create a piano score?

• Nov 10, 2014 - 08:15

I am using MuseScore to make a more legible copy of some old sheet music (public domain) that has been photocopied one time too many and is hard to read.

The song is a capella, and in 9 parts, and our pianist is having a hard time reading all 9 bars to help us learn the song (go figure)

I've got the 9 choral parts input now, and was hoping to be able to copy & paste each of them down into two piano lines and have the notes form chords (where different) or just merge together (where the same between voices). I was able to copy in the first line no problem, but when I hit paste for the second line, it replaced the first one.

Is what I'm trying to do possible?



In reply to by alicorn2

That is working quite well -- I put the top four voices into the treble clef so far successfully. Then I selected all the lyrics and dynamic markings from the staff and deleted them (since they were appearing over top of each other) so I have a fairly clean piano rehearsal accompaniment.

However, sometimes two or more voices are singing the same note so it is still showing them individually. E.g. I have one particular chord where the four top voices are singing a total of two notes, so it is showing each note twice. They are all the same length so it's not necessary to show them individually. It is also showing four whole rests in the first bar of the song because none of the top four voices sing in the first bar, and I seem to be unable to delete them or get them to go on top of each other. (In the second bar, I was able to get the rests to stack up in the same place so it visually only looks like one, even though I think all 4 are still there.)

Is there a way to tell it to merge identical matching notes / rests together? (See attached screenshot)

Edit: Fixed the rests in the first bar. Still have all 4 there but now they're stacked properly; two had accidentally been switched to half rests when I was messing with them. Still haven't figured out the doubled notes though.

Attachment Size
Doubled notes.PNG 11.12 KB

In reply to by alicorn2

Now I've screwed up my main staff. I set one of the main staffs to voice #2 prior to copying it into the new piano staff, and it only took part of the staff (where there were chords, it took one of the two notes)

So now my staff has some notes in voice #1 and some in voice #2. If I click on the green notes and click the 1 button in the toolbar, nothing happens.

I looked at but it didn't help

Screen shot attached

EDIT: I re-imported this voice from my original MIDI source file because I wasn't very far through working with it yet anyway. I still don't know how to fix what I did, but I don't think I need to know anymore unless I get myself into this situation again.

Attachment Size
Two voices.PNG 6.12 KB

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

I don't want to have to selectively delete each note through the entire 16 pages of the song. I was hoping for a command that would remove the duplicates.

Also, when I delete a note it replaces it with a rest and then I have to delete that, too

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