Changing font of lyrics odd lines does nothing

• Dec 18, 2014 - 13:33
S4 - Minor

Env: Mac OSX 10.7.5, MusiScore 2.0 rev. 1efc609

When I select all lyrics and try to change the font to Arial the text is not changing. When changing the font size this works as expected.


Attachment Size
2014-12-18_1416.png 188.2 KB


Score imported from 1.x? If so it is a known issue, font is embeded in the lyrics elements.
Possible but painful to get rid of via right-click text style, reset to style, sylable after sylable...

Yep, I started this score in version 1.3

I searched for this since I emagined someone must have reported it earlier, but I didn't find it.
If I delete the whole lirics and re-enter them, does that then solve the problem?

Do you happen to have the original issue number?

If you do need to change the font, take copy, extract the mscx from within the mscz, and open the mscx in a text edltor, then select/change for empty the font declarations.
Open the modified mscx in musescore, save in mscz

Hi Robert,

I am having the same problem with changing font size in v.2 on a file that was created in v.1.3. I am fairly able on a computer, but I don't know much about the inner workings of MuseScore. Can you explain your comment a little more clearly for someone who doesn't know what "extract the mscx from within the mscz" means?

I do know you can Save a file in .mscx format, and that it has something to do with XML. I know how XML works theoretically, but I don't have a clue as to how you extract .mscx from and .mscz file, unless you just mean to Save it as .mscx.

I also don't understand how you "select/change for empty font declarations." Is that like a Find/Replace action?

Maybe there is already a comment that explains this?


Hey, I did it!
Here's what I did:

  1. Saved the file in .mscx format
  2. Open the new file with Macintosh TextEdit (I forget what the Windows text editor is called, but it does the same thing).
  3. Do a Find search for all the instances of <font size="10";
  4. Replace All with <font size="12"
  5. Save the file, making sure the suffix is still ".mscx"
  6. Open the file with MuseScore 2.0
  7. Save this as a normal .mscz file

et, voilá ! All the instances of font size 10 were now font size 12. If the file were more complex, I suppose this might have changed font sizes in places other than the lyrics, but those are much easier to change back, so I didn't care.

I tried the same thing, but then through exporting to MusicXML, changing the lines, and read it back in.
This worked, but in the process I lost quite some formatting (lyrics over bars, speed wrongly alined, etc.)

I tried to read in the exported MusicXML file without editing it to find the same. This was quite a surprise to me... I expected to be able to export to MusicXML and read it back in without any problems.

I will try your routine.

If you try my method above, I made a typo in the Find/Replace section, there should be a space between "font" and "size"; so, "font size" not "fontsize".

I am going to edit my previous comment to correct that.

and you may be better off to remove these tags and rely on the style settings instead
If you're removing them, don't forget the corresponding close tags...

MusicXML is designed to be portable between different applications; it cannot support all the specific features and formatting of any one program. So no, you should not expect that export to MusicXMl then import should preserve everything exactly the same.

While I apreciate that 'not everything will be exactly the same' it is completely someting else as not able to create or interprete a standard!

Basically, I would urge to adopt MusicXML as the standard file layout, and leave the propriatary mscx what it is...

If the standard soesn't suffice then we should work to get the standard updated. If the standard does support what we need, the we should work on MuseScore to use the standard properly.
(This equivalent to ODF and LibreOffice/OpenOffice/StarOffice/etc.).

Anyway, this is outside of the topic of this thread.

So, I could just find and delete all the "font size" tags — in other words, everything that looked like, <font size="xx"></font size>, and then the styles in v.2.x would work? Fantastic!

See, for us who don't really know how MuseScore works "under the hood" (bonnet?), all of this comes as news. This forum is great, but kind of a lot of work for routine FAQs. Maybe we need someone to write MuseScore for Dummies? Or maybe it could be a Wiki on-line version? I'd contribute! I've made so many newbie errors that I am getting to be an expert in them. In fact, I am almost passed the Dummy stage.

Hmm, MuseScore for Idiots?

I don't understand what you mean "it is completely someting else as not able to create or interprete a standard!". MuseScore implements MusicXML about as well as any other software. Which is to say, it does a good job of capturing the *semantics* of the music, but the specifics of layout are kind of deliberately not dealt with, because since all software uses different fonts, different layout algorithms, and so forth, it's really impossible to create a perfect match.

If you are suggesting MuseScore abandon MSCZ and instead try to use MusicXML as its native format, that's not going to happen. MusicXML was not diesgned for that purpose and doesn't contain nearly the sort of information that would be required.

Feel free to open a thread elsewhere discussing your plans for developing a new format based on MusicXML that *could* be used as a native format. I suspect yuou'll find little support for the idea, though. Too many technical issues involved in creating a format that could actually satisfy the needs of the many different programs out there, and too little benefit to the monumental amount of development effort that would be required to migrate these programs over to using the new format.

There *is* work on a comprehensive book for MuseScore, but even so, it wouldn't cover things like the detail of the file format - that's not documented for a reason (several reasons, actually). We don't really "support" that kind of mucking about, and there is no guarantee it will work the ame in the next version, etc.

Anyhow, regarding the issue at hand, hopefully it will be a non-issue by the time 2.0 is released, assuming we fix #39676: changing styles on import from 1.3. It also occurs to me it might be possible to write a plugin to fix up existing scores if for some reason we don't get to the point of implementing a native fix.

(EDIT: typo in issue number fixed)

Marc, it was for sure not my idea to be offensive. The only thing I noted was that if I export to MusicXML, and subsequently import the same file I loose quite a lot. That was a surprise to me.

I read on "The goal is to create a universal format for common Western music notation, similar to the role that the MP3 format serves for recorded music".
This is in my interpretation someting else as a format for interchanging basic scores without any formatting. I read from your answer that MusicXML just doesn't provide all that's needed for a nicely formatted score.

It is fair to say that MusicXML is not endorsed as an official standard yet by any official standards body like W3C).