grace notes not sounding

• Jan 13, 2015 - 01:35

In version 2.0 I'm having trouble getting the grace note to sound. I've looked through the threads, and can't see anything.
Any advice?

Attachment Size
grace notes.png 19 KB


There is no version 2.0 yet; presuambly you are using one of the experimental prelease builds, such as one of the beta or nightly builds? It helps to specify which one, as behavior changes regularly. Grace notes in general *do* play back. It's difficult to say what could be happening from just a picture of your score - you would need to attach the actual MSCZ file (as well as say which build you are using - see Help / About if unsure). Also it is usually a good idea to say what OS you are on, although that is probably not relevant here.

In reply to by Mike Coppock

FWIW, I just changed the implementation of grace note playback, should be in the latest nightly builds. Acciaccaturas - the grace notes with slashes that are intended to be played as fast as possible - are now a fixed duration, not dependent on length of note or tempo (unless note is short/fast enough that the grace note would be more than 50% the length of the main note, in which case it is capped at that).

Should be a more natural-sounding result at slow tempos, and should eliminate issues like what you were seeing at faster ones, if you don't get *too* crazy with the tempo anyhow.

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