Is entering 1 sharp possible?

• Jan 22, 2015 - 22:00

I wanted to make a harmony in harmonic G minor, and so, all Fs should be sharp. However, when I sharpen one F, it puts a natural next to the next F, when I want them all to be sharp unless otherwise specified.
Is there any way to do this?


You could select all the notes first, then click the sharp button to add the sharps all at once.
If you are talking about the key signature, then go to "View" > "Pallete" > "Key Signatures", then drag the key signature you desire from that onto the measure you desire.

Note entry should normally be done left to right. So you would not normally enter a bunch of F's first *then* sharp them, you would normally sharp them as you go. Although if you have already entered the F's without raising their piutch, then indeed, selecting them all and raising pitch, would correct the error. In 2.0, accidentals are "sticky", so after entering one F#, the rest of the F's you enter in that measure automatically inherit that sharp (and no sharp displays, of course). In 1.3, you'd hit up arrow after each F.

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