Outgoing melisma, ties and hyphens latch onto nearest note after deleting bars

• Feb 22, 2015 - 21:56

1. Open attached score (produced in 1.3).

2. Hold Shift and click bars 2-5 (selecting them).
3. 'Edit'>'Delete Selected Measures'.

Expected result: The melisma and tie of the syllable "wild" is removed.

Actual result: The melisma and tie of the syllable "wild" latch onto the next note.
Outgoing melisma, ties and hyphens latch onto nearest note after deleting bars - Melisma and ties.png


2. Click bar 5 (selecting it).
3. 'Edit'>'Delete Selected Measures'.

Expected result: The hyphen is removed from the syllable "can".

Actual result: The hyphen latches onto the next note (the syllable "dark")
Outgoing melisma, ties and hyphens latch onto nearest note after deleting bars - Hyphens.png

Note: Due to a current bug , I saved, closed, and re-opened the score after step 3.

Using MuseScore 2.0 Nightly Build fa50560 - Mac 10.7.5.



To mne, it's debatable as to what's expected. You wouldn't normally be deleting measures in the middle of a musical phrase like thius without good reason, and one potential good reason would be, the measure after the deleted range actually continues the same thought (same notes, same lyrics). In which case, this is absolutely the expected behavior. But in other cases, it isn't. Doubtful we could really detect which cases are which. The current behavior has the disadvantage of looking ugly in the cases where we guessed wrong, but its certainly easier enough to fix manually after performing this operation, which was dubious in the first place.

Not anything to worry about, I don't think. The syllable after the deleted segment will not properly know if it it the first, middle, or end syllable of a word because it doens't realize there is now a hyphen leading into it. But I don't think there would be any serious side effects of that. Feel free to test that theory!

Status (old) active fixed

I don't see that as a bug. How can MuseScore possibly guess what you wanted? It did something reasonable at least - didn't create corruptiuon.