Ottava misplaced after moving start anchor and undoing

• Feb 24, 2015 - 19:00
S4 - Minor

Context: commit fd51063 (2015-02-22) self-compiled with Qt Lib 5.3 and Qt Creator 3.3.0 under Linux Mint 17 64-bit.


  1. Load the attached sample score (created with the commit above) or, presumably, any score containing an Ottava, or just create a score with an Ottava element. The Ottava element in the sample score is 2 quarters long.
  2. Enter edit mode on the Ottava element (in my tests, I double clicked on it).
  3. With [Shift][Left], extend the initial anchor one quarter to the left; the Ottava element is now 3 quarters long.
  4. Exit edit mode. So far so good.
  5. Undo

Expected result: the initial anchor shifts back alone to the original position and the Ottava resumes its original 2-quarter length.

Actual result: the whole Ottava shifts one quarter to the right, keeping the current length of 3 quarters.


  • If the score is saved and re-load after the last step, the Ottava is still 3 quarters long; so, the issue is not in displaying or laying out, the element actually has a wrong length.
  • A specular issue occurs if the initial anchor is moved to the right.
  • Moving the ending anchor, however, is fine: upon undoing, the original end anchor position and total Ottava length are restored.
Attachment Size
test_ottava.mscx 20.17 KB
