Symbols Missing

• Mar 16, 2010 - 17:21

Hi guys,

New member of the community, so maybe this is me missing something obvious, but I've looked through the forums and not found anything. Once I've installed MuseScore, none of the musical symbols are visible (on the paper or in the tool selection bar) - everything appears as black boxes - which renders it illegible/unworkable. The same problem occurs in the demo score and new projects.


I'm running a Macbook Pro with OS X 10.6.2.

Any help with this would be greatly appreciated as I can't wait to start using what looks like a fabulous program!



In fact, other people have already reported this on Snow Leopard but no one has given steps to reproduce.
Can you confirm that you installed MuseScore following the Installation instructions and not running MuseScore from the dmg image?
If yes, could you open a terminal and type
/Applications/ -d and copy paste the output.
Thank you

In reply to by richardmatthews

For the record, here is another user with the same problem.

I would like to solve this but I can't find where the problem comes from...
If beta2 and 0.9.5 does not work, and the problem appears on some computers and not others, on different versions of the OS as well (10.5.8 and 10.6.2), my best guess is it's a configuration issue. Do you have any "special" features activated on your mac? Accessibility features? Voice Over? Any special hardware? A font related program?

Something else, check fontsampler application and verify you don't have a Mscore font. It's very unlikely but you never know...

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

As far as I know I have no special configurations on the machine. No accessibility features, no voice-overs, no special hardware, no font-related programs, and no Mscore font. The most significant set of programs on here would probably be Logic Studio. (And before anyone asks, I know there's a score feature in Logic, but it isn't great!)

Thank you very much for your help so far lasconic. Anyone else got any ideas? :)

Same problem here. All the notes show up as squares. Running on Mac 10.6.4.

Also tried running and pre-release. Neither one will show the correct font for notes.

The only way I found I could sort this was by removing a lot of additional fonts I had downloaded and installed on my Mac, and then it just worked! Hope this helps for you!

In reply to by richardmatthews

I know this is an old topic but I just wanted to chime in hoping it will help future seekers...

Had same problem, fixed it just now on my mac. Here's how:

Open font book. Select all fonts. In the "file" menu choose "validate fonts". With any potential problem fonts (ones with a yellow triangle) choose those and remove them. Quite musescore and re-open.

Worked for me. Good luck to anyone else having this problem.

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