Problem with repeats

• Mar 7, 2015 - 19:00


I would like some help with the attached score. What I want it to do is play from the beginning, through the first volta. Then replay from the beginning and continue with the second volta. Then replay from the begiining and continue with the third volta, etc.
I tried everything that seems logical to me but I can't get it to work the way I like.

Kind regards,


I would say this is probably not an appropriate use of voltas. Voltas that continue across many measures like this are very hard to human musicians to follow. In theory, MuseScore can do it better, but you need to extend the voltas properly to go all the way to the repeat (double-click, shift+right arrow as many times as necessary), plus set the repeat counts in the volta properties and/or measure properties. Really, though, that;s way more work than it's worth just to avoid writing those first five measures again, and the people reading your score will thank you, too!

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Let_My_Tongue_Be_Silenced_Full - Voltas.mscz

I decided to try Voltas in response to this thread:

but I'm not having much luck with the playback working, it seems to only see the repeat and ingnores the Voltas - so I get: Refrain, Verse1, Refrain, Verse 2, Verse 3, Verse 4.

Maybe it's only a problem with the playback in MuseScore 1.3 - can't wait for the 24th!

See attached.

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