Changing Colour on Lyrics for Voice 2

• Mar 17, 2015 - 23:06


To make a score easier to read, I have coloured the notes in Voice 2; I want to tie that to the lyrics by colouring the lyrics the same colour. When I select the notes, right click and use text properties to apply the colour, the lyrics stubbornly remain in black - even ater saving and reopening, as someone suggested in another thread.

Is there a way to do this, or is the feature not available?.



Which version of MsueScore, and how precisely are you trying to change the lyric color?

In 2.0, it should be possible to do this using text Style, Text Properties, or Inspector.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

OK, it's 1.3; that's the latest in the standard repositories for Linux-Mint; I tried using the Debian .deb file and it failed on dependencies, and I tried using the Ubuntu PPA which couldn't be reached. So it seems that unless I compile the source code, 2.0 isn't available. Is there a way of doing it on 1.3?

In reply to by Earthcare

2.0 is not official released yet, but as you'll see if browse here, it's imminent, and most peple here are using pre-release versions (including some pre-compiled builds available for Linux).

Anyhow, it looks like it's a bug that it doesn't work in 1.3, fixed in 2.0, so just wait a week :-).

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