Interference between repeats and frames.

• May 19, 2010 - 14:33


Windows XP and SVN rev. 3080 of branch 0.9.6. Not sure if this is a bug or a 'feature'.

1) Get any piece.
2) Insert a vertical frame AND a horiz. frame between two measures.
3) Place a End-Start repeat at the end of the measure before the frames.
=> The End repeat before the frames is shown, but the Start repeat after the frames is hidden.

If you swap steps 3) and 2), the Start repeat after the frames is initially shown, but becomes hidden when the file is re-loaded. This demonstrates that the Start repeat IS there.

1) A vert. frame alone or a horiz. frame alone do not hide the repeat, only the combination of both.
2) If you try to add a Start repeat at the beginning of the measure after the frames, it is not shown (but the file appears as modified, so something happened to that measure).

1) I imagine the rationale behind this behaviour (whence the 'feature'): a combination of both a vert. and a horiz. frame is likely to start a new piece, at the beginning of which a Start repeat should not appear.
2) BUT: if you happen to insert it by mistake, there is no way to delete it.
3) Not sure what the best / expected behaviour should be; possibly, a way to spot the hidden repeat and select (and manipulate) it anyway.




Yes, I remember this thread and my own suggestions about David's proposal of a section break and multi-section scores.

If this is a step in that direction, it is welcome. I would like to be sure this is indeed an intended 'feature' (in which case, it should probably documented somewhere).


I made some other tests: the vert.+horiz. frame combination hides a start repeat sign placed right after it, but does not start a repeat by itself.

I mean: if you do not place any (hidden) start repeat right after the frame combo AND place an end repeat some measures after, the latter does nothing, probably because it 'does not know' where to jump back to. So, adding a start repeat (which you cannot see and then cannot edit) after the frame combo IS necessary.


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