the link to the issue tracker won't load if not logged in

• May 21, 2010 - 14:40

This is only a minor inconvenience, of course, but it worked in the past: the link to Issue tracker in the site navigation menu won't load if you are not logged in. Firefox reports:

The page isn't redirecting properly
Firefox has detected that the server is redirecting the request for this address in a way that will never complete. This problem can sometimes be caused by disabling or refusing to accept cookies.

Handling of cookies is set to default. works.


Hi Ilja,

Thanks a lot for this report. i'll be looking into it because that might be the reason of our website problems lately.

I just got the same error today.

I decided to try deleting cookies one at a time to see which one might be the culprit. As it happened I deleted the "chocolatechip" cookie and the page loaded, without deleting any others. (I had to log in after deleting the cookie).

In reply to by David Bolton

I had the same error as well. I know where the cookie comes from (bakery module used for single sign on with sets this cookie) but I haven't found out what the real issue is. I'm on it.

Update: David, this issue is unrelated with the original report btw. It has to do with some maintenance work I did 6 days ago.

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