Automatically double length of all notes

• Jun 2, 2010 - 05:35

I'd like a feature or plugin that automatically doubles the length of all the notes selected (turns quarter notes into half notes, dotted eighth into dotted quater, etc.). I accidentally started writing a piece with all the notes half the length they ideally should be (writing in 2/4 when I should have written in 4/4), and it's going to be a pain to rewrite the whole thing.


A plug-in does seems like a reasonable to go. I don't suppose anyone done anything along these lines yet? I just ran into a situation where I could really use this ability - a whole chunk of music I entered that I only just now decided should have been written in cut time so what was previously written as eighths would now be quarters. It's a big enough passage that doing it over by hand sounds unappetizing enough that I might try to accomplish it this time by exporting to MusicXML, doing the edit in Finale, then importing it back into MuseScore. But I'm hoping to avoid that.

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

Excellent, thanks! I had been searching for a similar enough to use as a starting point but didn't see yours, which is much closer than what I was starting to look at. Yours doesn't seem to be listed in the Plugins list I access via the main menu on this site. I guess maybe because it's not as fully functional as you'd like? If there are a lot of these - half started plugins written as examples in forum postings but not necessary fully developed - maybe there could be a new category in the Plugins list called "experimental" or "incomplete" or something like that? Just a thought.

I'm OK with plugins not being able to modify notes and using your technique of copying the notes to a new score. This particular arranging project I need to have done by Monday, and I may just leave the passage as is - I'm not 100% convinced it would actually be better in cut time. But while I can't see myself getting deep enough back into programming to do much (any) source development, I can totally see myself writing some plugins. There are a few things on the issue list I'm building (and plan to post once I'm done with this project) that would probably be well served that way. My hope is to make this my first contribution.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I didn't put that plugins in the plugin list because I didn't want to "support" it somehow. We could maybe add an "experimental" column indeed. I wrote several plugins and posted them on the forum. Each plugin are quite similar since the plugin framework is quite limited right now and I don't see myself adding a plugin in the plugin repository each time someone prefer the notes to be colored in green instead on red or prefer the note names in french instead of english.
But indeed, the reverse plugin should be put there. I will do it asap.

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

I took a quick look, and it turned out to be trivially easy to modify your plugin to double note lengths - I just removed the "reverse" statement and added a "* 2" to the couple places where duration was set. It does look like it would take a bit of work to make it really usable in terms of handling ties, markings, reproducing the original staff/voice structure, preserving enharmonic spelling, etc, but assuming it's possible at all, I wouldn't expect it to be too bad.

BTW, would the plug-in architecture support a way of automatically copying the newly constructed passage to the clipboard (or constructing it there in the first place)?

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