Details needed for ancent music scores

• Jun 9, 2010 - 01:49


All of this is very specialist, I know, but these details are required / useful / convenient when editing score for older music. They are listed in very approximate order of importance.

  1. Option to have bar line only between the staved, rather than across them.
  2. Option to have note values to 'cross' the measure boundaries, without breaking them in two tied notes (see example).
  3. More mensuration signs: in addition to C and cut C, also 'dotted' C, O, 'dotted' O and cut O are needed. I can add the needed glyphs to the MScore font, but adding them to the programme internals is above my head.
  4. Option to create time signatures without denominator, like "2" or "3" (positioned in the middle of the staff); an implicit denominator can be assumed (usually is "2", but it is better to make it selectable).
  5. Option to add mensuration signs to (real) time signatures, to create 'time signatures' like "C 6/4" (equivalent to "6/4" as far as the programme is concerned).
  6. Option to have breves and longae with heads made of 4 segments rather than of a circle with two lines at the sides (see example).
  7. Option to use mensuration signs as real mensuration signs. This may be difficult as it involves changing the values of notes (under 'dotted' signs, the brevis (whole) spans 3 minimae (halves) rather than 2), but would be a GREAT bonus!



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Hi Miwarre,

I would propose to make an issue for each feature request (so put them in the issue tracker) and when you wish to make a general forum post, simply reference to them using [ #number_of_the_post ]. Although this post is very neat, these feature requests might get lost after some time.

Thomas, thanks for the reply and the suggestion.

I'll repost them in the issue tracker. However:

1) I posted these requests here first mostly to see if there is any interest for them among other MuseScore users.

2) Some of the points above are interrelated, like 1 - 2 or 3 - 4 - 5 and it is better to see them together.

3) About getting lost, aren't all forum posts kept as well as issues?


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