<VERY MINOR BUG>No prompt asking if you wish to overwrite files of the same name in some circumstances

• Jun 10, 2010 - 23:36

I have noticed a very minor bug. If I choose 'save as' and save as a pdf file, then make changes and save as a pdf file of the same name, I can overwrite it without being asked if I am sure. If I actually click on the file with the same name to overwrite it that way, then I am prompted, which makes me think this is not intended behaviour.

Thanks for all the work people are putting into this - it is a great program.


I'm not able to reproduce this using 0.9.6 stable, Windows 7.

Here's the steps I did:

  1. File > Save As
  2. Choose PDF file type
  3. Type deleteme.pdf
  4. Click Save
  5. repeat steps 1-4 above

Are you doing anything different?

In reply to by David Bolton

Thanks for your response. When I do it I would just type deleteme (ie leave off the .pdf) then choose pdf from the drop down menu for file extension. Doing this creates a file called deleteme.pdf but seems to overwrite a previous deleteme.pdf.

Does this happen for you?

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