Feature request: Ability to choose not to display naturals in key signature when key signature changes

• Jun 27, 2010 - 11:56

I am creating a worksheet for students to name key signatures but of course the usual naturals appear in the key signatures, which is undesirable for this. It would be useful for creating student worksheets if some of the good 'automatic' features such as this for correct score writing could be overwritten (I know some can!) to aid in the creation of worksheets with Musescore.

Thanks again for all your work.


I have raised this very point several times, but I failed to attract attention so far... Currently, I'm trying to implement something of this kind myself (with no better luck so far...).


In reply to by David Bolton

There is also code in the trunk to introduce a new "Section Break" that should enable the creation of several small piece in the same page and so canceling key signature, adding a frame to enter a title etc... in just one drag and drop.

@Miwarre ,maybe you should talk about what you want to achieve on the dev mailing list or IRC or compile the trunk to see if it's not already in?

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

What I am trying to achieve is what Widmung described above and which I also discussed in the issue linked to by David.

About the section break in trunk is a very welcome addition and I would like to check it soon.

However, the last time I checked, the trunk did not compile under Windows and I have problems running debug sessions under Ubuntu. I have not checked yet if upgrading Qt SDK from 2010.01 to 2010.02 improved my setup: I'll check and, in case, I'll call for help...



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