40.000 downloads in one month

• Jul 1, 2010 - 13:12

Again a new download record: more than 40.000 downloads in one month. In total, MuseScore passed 520.000 downloads. Up to the million mark!

MuseScore passes 40.000 downloads in June 2010

As you can see in the image, a maximum of 2500 downloads was reached on the 9th of June. That is due to the release of 0.9.6. Quickly, it went back to it's previous level of ~1400 downloads per day.

For the next release, we expect another step in the growth of MuseScore with the implementation of the number one feature request: guitar tabs & fretboards!

More statistics

The geographical statistics say that MuseScore was downloaded in 177 countries. The top 10 is: US, France, Germany, Brazil, UK, Italy, Australia, Canada, Netherlands, Japan. They account for 68% of the downloads. But we see a growth in the long tail which due to the excellent effort of the translator team! If you want to help, jump right in on our translation server.

If we look to the platforms MuseScore is downloaded for, Windows is leading with with 80%, followed by Mac with 16%. The Linux statistics cannot really taken into account since MuseScore mostly shipped with the many Linux distributions.

Download MuseScore for Windows, Mac and Linux on musescore.org
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