What does the chord text actually do?

• Sep 14, 2010 - 10:56

I'm new to this and finding it excellent. On reading the forum, I get the impression that the chords that I put above the stave does more than I think. I copied the chord chart but can't figure out what to do with it. I've noticed that the chords I put in are tied to the notes below but don't know why. Can anyone help?


When you enter a chordname with Ctrl + K and enter a text, MuseScore tries to parse the text and recognize the root (C, D, E...) and the extension (Maj, Maj7, ect...). If the chord is recognised, then you have some benefits. The chord is recognised based on a list of extension. You can see a part of it by right click to a chordname -> Harmony properties.

-> You can transpose them with notes->transpose
-> The chordnames are exported correctly in MusicXML
-> You can apply a chordname style to the chords (see Style->Edit general style->Chordnames)
-> The chordnames are exposed as Harmony to the plugin framework for possible manipulation

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